What brand of "mouse milk"?



Blazing Apostle
Jun 1, 2007
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Where the red fern grows
Any one have a block seal product that they have personally tired and had luck with?

After 20 years and 145K miles my wife’s 3.0 Voyager has a leaky head gasket.
Iron block and aluminum head, right? Leak at head and block.
I don’t have the time to work on it and she needs a new vehicle anyway.
But if I can get the Voyager to stop leaking, I might run around in it sometime.
(Not likely, since it wouldn't be an A body)
She bought the van new in 1988. I told her to break out the checkbook and go get a new Chrysler again. That lifetime power train warranty fits our buying habits just fine.
I had a problem in my F150 triton with a leaky head gasket or cracked head. At that time the truck had 199,000 on it so I didn't want to get carried away, so the garage I had it at suggested Blue Seal. Worked great, the truck now has 220,000 on it and stills runs good. Try Napa, I think that's where they got it. If not let me know and I'll call and see if I can get any more info.

theres a product that actually works in this situation?? i always thought of that stuff as snake oil---but if it works-----good deal ! post some links !

that blue devil stuff BETTER work for $50 a bottle !
It could be the same, all the guy could remember was Blue.....worked in my truck though and I drive it hard, alot of stop and go, freeway, and dusty dirty construction sites.
Im sure you got some of that in the kitchen.Just dump it in there and see what happens,wont cost you nothin,but your wife might be mad,lol
I've used the Blue Devil before and had it actually work. It's like $60 at Advance. Remember to follow the instructions if you want it to work. You're supposed to remove the thermostat while you're using it.