What did You Do When You Turned 21?

I was in Naples Italy when I turned 21. I went out with some friends and got so sideways, I woke up who knows where with no money, no wallet. Staggered my way back to the ship and the SgtMaj secured my liberty for the rest of the time in port.
I turned 18 in 1981 and the drinking age was 18. In 1982 they changed it to 19 so I could still drink. In 1984 they changed it to 21 and I was still drinking. Can't really remember what I did when I turned 21 other than probably went out the day before, the day of, and the day after which I did until it started hurting to much to party for 3 days. Now I don't drink hardly at all and don't really miss it. If I have a reason to party I will but I usually just drink pop while I'm working in the clubs and just watch the entertainment of all the other drunks in the place. Also makes it a no brainer when having to drive 20 miles home as I never have to worry about being pulled over for drinking.
My memories of my 21st is Mopar related....
Since where I worked you got your birthday off and were paid for it, I decided to sleep in a bit and then mosey in and do a little cleaning in my stall.
Just after lunch one of the head mechanics called out for the 'Weasel'
I was sometimes called in to help when they needed a small hand to go into a tight spot-like cluster lights.
They were pulling the engine in one of the mechanics 69 Barracuda that had yanked the 340 and stuffed in a 440. Of course, it lasted about 3 weeks.
Instead of separating the exhaust at the end of the manifold, they tried to be stupid and unbolted the manifolds from the heads. Of course when they tried to hoist it out, they found that they had missed 1 bolt. I got the call.
I was able to get my fingers on it but they had to raise the engine just a bit.
No go, raise it some more and the guy working the hoist heard me say that I got it but raise it just a tiny bit more, he dropped the hoist.
My left ring finger kept the thing from gouging the steering box! Split it from the 2 knuckle all the way to the fingertip.
Ever so kindly I asked him to lift it up and he stood there with a dumb look on his face. I again screamed at him to lift it off my hand and heaved a large box end wrench at him- which missed and damaged 2 customers cars.
I spent about 7 hours at the hospital and couldn't really do any mech. work for 6 weeks. But the pharmecuticals made up for some of it.
The doctors did a great and I have only the scars to show for it.
And yes, having stitches where my fingernail was is extremely painful, even after they drowned my hand in novacaine.
Hell of a 21st birthday way back in 1972. And I missed my party.
I turned 18 today and I plan to go to dinner with my family and friends, then buy a fine cigar with my friends and have a nice "smoke sesh", then probably later in the night fly nice and high up into the stratosphere (if you know what I mean...:thumbup:). 21st B-day will probably be somewhat similar as I don't drink anyway.
I really don't remember that day but I know I was drunk whatever day it was. I drank a lot back then ... a lot! It was another day for me because I had buds that bought alcohol for me anyways for years before I turned 21.
I remember I got what we called a "Beer Card" from the State of Wisconsin at age 18. Don't remember too much after that. Quit drinking at age 25. I think I sobered up about age 26. One day I realized I was just pi$$ing my money away. In one end and out the other. What did I do when I turned 21? Not quite sure, but my friends tell me I had a good time. LOL
I turned 21 in December of 1970. It was a pretty wild time for me, and I don't remember a lot of what I did that night, but you can bet it probably wasn't pretty.
I had KP that day Started at 5 AM and on the bunker line that night. May 16th 1967, Cu Chi south Vietnam. I had kp two years in a row on my birthday, go figure!
I really don't remember that day but I know I was drunk whatever day it was. I drank a lot back then ... a lot! It was another day for me because I had buds that bought alcohol for me anyways for years before I turned 21.
BDB = Back door beer mullinax95 I forgot all about the good old days :-D
Went out with some mates, got into a brawl and spend the next two nights in police custody......Oh and Did some burnouts in the A Body.

Well, I was on a drinking bender at the time. The night before I was arrested and thrown in jail. So my 21st was in jail.

My Dad always told me," A friend will bail you out of jail... and you best friend will be right there on the bench in the cell with you!" :-D 8)
havent turned 21 yet... but guarentee you it'll be just another b-day with probably just a celebratory burnout. Don't plan on ever drinking...
Well lets see. That would have been August 1968 so I dodged the same bullits that I did the day before and the day after. I did get a birthday card from my ex-girlfriend though!

I was in Naples Italy when I turned 21. I went out with some friends and got so sideways, I woke up who knows where with no money, no wallet. Staggered my way back to the ship and the SgtMaj secured my liberty for the rest of the time in port.

PhuCat Air Base, Republic of Vietnam

I had KP that day Started at 5 AM and on the bunker line that night. May 16th 1967, Cu Chi south Vietnam. I had KP two years in a row on my birthday, go figure!


Thank you, for serving our country!!!
{My husband, Grumpuscreature served in Vietnam for 2 years 70-72 right out high school... he was 17.}
Since I don't drink alcoholic beverages, I'm sure my 21st birthday was about as dull as most. I was married by then, too, so no stories to tell of wild women, either. Never did the drug scene, but I still don't remember what I was doing then - that was a loonnnnggg time ago.
i was waiting to turn 21 in seattle just to move back to vegas. i did finish a bottle of skyy on my 21st. not my drink of choice but it got me drunk. i like jager and grand ma.
I dont turn 21 until this fall. I see that most of you are more "experienced" than i am. I think im going down to florida for my 21st