What is going on with this throttle pressure lever?



Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Elkton, TN
Hey guys:

I'm continuing to assemble my '73 Sport and as has been the case all along, I am dealing with another minor but maddening issue:

I finally have all my proper throttle linkage in place between the carb and the transmission. However, something is still wrong here.

What's happening is, with the pivot, that part that slides over and is retained on the stud bolted to the side of the trans, on and oriented correctly per the FSM, there is too much distance between the pivot and the throttle pressure lever on the trans with the throttle pressure lever all the way forward.

If you'll refer to the pictures below, the first shows the lever all the way forward against it's stop. The second shows the position of the pivot when the rod is connected between it and the trans, even with the adjustment slide as far forward as it will go without falling apart. The third shows the throttle pressure lever pushed to it's far rearward position.

To MY eye that pressure lever appears oriented too far counter-clockwise on it's shaft, but how? It's a D-shaped shaft, there is no other place for it other than flip it over.

I was in there once already a couple years ago to install a new seal proactively...did I put the thing back on upside down?

It seems to move fine except that when you push it rearward from it's forward stop, it feels like it's just floating for about an inch of travel, then you feel spring pressure.

This is a 318 and the original PK3681063 trans if that makes any difference.Also, this car has never been a driver since 1994 so i have no idea if things have been changed around somehow.

I love Mopar but why they thought this idea was better than a simple vacuum modulator I'll never know:banghead: Thanks for any help.

If you hook up the rod that is just hanging there, what happens?

Post a pic or two of how you have it up top.
...........is the linkage from that car........hook up the rod and yes ur lever on the trans will float for about an inch, that's how they are designed.......that spring doesn't go on the stud either....kim.....
Well, an enjoyable road trip to Summit Racing suddenly cured most of my headaches. A careful selection of Lokar parts has relegated that nightmare of parts to the spares box. Still came out cheaper than "investing" in "it's rare, how bad do you want it" factory 4bbl linkage.

Thanks for your help.