What is this?

...and at the end of next year he'll have 300 pounds of slippers!
who says you got to have turkey for thanksgiving?

We have "bunnies" in our neighborhood. They seemed to have been "self limiting" until I guess this spring. You'd see one, or two, around, different yards. Then this POS ***** across the alley just HAD to encourage them. Feed them. Make a "place." At one point there were at least a dozen in various stages of growth, and of course this means INBREEDING.

I should have done this earlier this year but it may be too late. Tried rednecking a fish net to a pole and catching one or two. You can walk up close but when they see that net coming they "go."

Biggest problem is that at times there is enough of them eating in the neighbor and my yards, that there is rabbit crap visible everywhere.
The rabbit crap is only half of it. If you have rabbits, you have fleas.