What Memorial day means to me.



It's going to get stupid around here!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hoppyworld, PA
Today is not a day to celebrate, it is meant to be a day to reflect on all the Americans that have perished for the freedoms we enjoy today. Please do not say Happy Memorial day today. Rant over.

No disrespect, as I started my day i thank all that gave there lives for our freedom, my grandfather (whom I never got to meet) , my 4 uncle's served and one of them didn't make it home. So as I start my day giving thanks for my freedom I get to enjoy because of there service.
I will not hang my head all day because of there service and yours you gave to protect our country.

.. I will enjoy my freedom, and gather my family for a feast and reflect on this day
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My grandpa was in pearl harbor and I had a uncle who was in the Navy. My dad was in the National Guard. I respect everyone who has served as some gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom today. I have thanked people who have served that I even didn't know, I think that's proper thing to do. Also, I thank all the first responders. Freedom is not free. We are free because of the BRAVE.
Yup. A lot of people just think it's a three day weekend for an extra drunk day. Nope, there's a reason for the holiday. This is the Omaha Beach Cemetery. Just one "small" cemetery from around the world.
I don't like the fact that people use this day as another reason for drinking, that's not what it's about. I thank everyone who has served, anyone on here that's military, I truly thank you for your service. God Bless you all
Those who died for freedom certainly expected the living to enjoy it. Otherwise, no purpose. Yes, I have relatives that died in line of duty, and served and made it out in active duty.
I put up US and state flag to US flag code for the holiday season, at my apartment, and received a lot of compliments and even appreciation from veterans. However, my landlord made me take them down. It upset a few people.
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I put up US and state flag to US flag code for the holiday season, at my apartment, and received a lot of compliments and even appreciation from veterans. However, my landlord made me take them down. It upset a few people.
Then they should go back to where they came from.
What upsets me is the American Flag being made outside of the country. I've seen them and REFUSED to buy one, I kept looking till I found a Flag that was made here. I believe that it's a insult to the Men and Women who have and are in the military. Freedom is not free. ALL GAVE SOME AND SOME GAVE ALL. Again, I truly THANK everybody for their service, their bravery and sacrifices are the reasons why we have the freedom that we all enjoy today.