What the F....

I must say , some of you people do have one hell of a good imagination to say the least. Hell, we see that stuff killed on the road around here every day so it aint no alein, prehistoric nothin. That aint nothin but a drowned half decomposed rodent like a racoon or an opossum. Pull it to gather guys and gals. Chicen little was wrong . All is O.K. Our government will spen untold $'s to see what this thing is and will never tell us but you can bet someones buddy is lining his pocket doing the research on some roadkill from the Ozark hills. You guys are too funny. Those aren't what i thought spoolies were. I had a few girl friends back in the day that had what i called spoolies. Neat to look at !!!!!
I would hope that no woman on God's green earth would aspire to look like the woman on that package.

No doubt! Yiiiiiiikesssssss!!!!

Thanks for sharing the photo 68 Sedan. If you'd said rollers in the first place I'd have known what you were talkin' about. Me, I have no need for such things. It's naturally curly.

Some of these answers are hilarious!
there you are little budy come here you rascule thanks you guy wonder where it ran off to uh yea photo shopee:happy10:
My sister has a summer house in Montauk. This thing likely escaped from one of her BBQ's.
I saw an animal expert discussing the matter on TV last week. He said that it looked like a decomposing racoon. The "beak" is the result of the upper teeth missing. Newer photos clearly show the empty teeth sockets.

The best theory I have heard was that it was an escapee from Plumb Island. Another nut.
NY & Joisey need to quit dumping sewage. I don't drink the water in Mexico and I sure as hell won't drink the water up there!!!
HEY! NYC has some of THE best drinking water in the country. I lived in Lancaster County, Pa. for 5 years and no way could you drink that crap.

As for Joisey, their ground water catches fire. It probably came from them.... :-D