What was your best year?

1999! Because of the birth of my son!! Nothing can top that for me! After that I try to stay focused on what truly make me happy. Family & time spent together. so there are many good time to look back on. Government surely isn't to take any credit for my sucess or the good times I've ever enjoyed!! Either recently or in times past. Financially 2012 was the hardest year I've had since I can remember. But there were still many great times. I don't take a victim's mentality on anything. Once you do that you're falling backward. I attack obstacles & setbacks as best I can. But whew, I can't keep making cutbacks like I've had to the last 4 1/2 years. I still beleive the best years can still be ahead of me!
Well more money to me means more trips, shows I can go on. More freedom to do as I please. So I find that while money isn't everything it can help..its never hurt me, I mean having too much money to spend, lol

Yes health issues are number one, thankfully I have pretty good health and same with the people I love. Sometimes we take somethings for granted until they are gone.
My best year was 1999.I stooped drinking.Then 2005 I started my own business.2013 should be great.I should have my cuda done. Mark
2010 April- seperated from my wife (yes a good thing), June- started dating my new wife to be, August- divorce finalized, October- finally found out I would be going full time at the post office after 7 years part time.
1992,...Single,...Had 6 different girlfriends that summer,(not cheap),...Good job, Top wrench award at the dealership,...Had 2 fairly new cars and my 74 Charger,...almost no responsibilities cept for a junior officer position in the FD,...Had the world by the short and curlies...