What's wrong with people?



Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
I was recently reading a post about a guy who bought some high dollar stuff from a member on here and had not received everything after 2 months. Well he has recently posted some more high dollar stuff on here and had someone interested. Well someone else was nice enough to warn the guy interested that he had unresolved debt issues with another member. Low and behold the guy interested still bought the stuff anyway. Hope you got money to throw away, don't say nobody warned you...
You sure he bought the stuff?? That thread doesn't say he did.
Beside the fact, I'm with you....why's this guy still allowed to post things for sale when he's shafting another member??

Nevermind that....I just looked up the "Ripped Off" thread and seen that marks340 has been dealing with life altering issues and that he's gonna take care of it.
Sorry and hope you get better!!