What's Wrong With This Picture????

Damn Dave! That's really appealing. Actually, it's the sheets. Where in hell's bells did he find that **** primer he used? Man, I've painted a lot of cars in my day, but I've never seen anything quite like that mess. I think you've spent more time on the paint on that car than you did on the actual build, even with all the modifications you've done. I'd have to agree with you, this is where friendship and paint work should part ways. Good luck the rest of the way.
All I can say is wow Dave, your "painter" sure talks a mean game but when it comes down to it he's pretty worthless. If I wasn't so f'ing busy trying to remodel my house my offer to paint your baby would still stand. Maybe I can find some time to help anyway I can, this is bullshit plain & simple. When I seen your baby at the Fling I was hoping the paint would sand out & buff out nice. He probably still thinks using a block of balsa wood to cut the clear is bad idea. For him to bad mouth that beautiful 2 tone cuda is just proof that he's a ***. If I can be of any help give my a call or P.M. me.
That is just awful! Never heard or seen of something that bad.
I really feel for you after all of the beautiful work you've done to the car.
I'm sure you'll locate a great paint guy who'll be glad to work on a such a unique and fantastic car as yours.
I'm glad you were able to go out and enjoy the "company" of others, that always helps.