when bolting a tranny to a motor...

If you failed to put Locktite on the bolts. Go do it now. They do tend to loosen up. That goes for everone!
Anyone that even thinks you should bolt the flex plate to the torque converter first shouldn't even be attemping this job. Any advise you give him is only adding to the chance he will be getting seriously injured under that car. Don't let him forget to put the u-joint on the rear and then install the driveshaft.

Seriously? I wouldn't take it that far. Im not an idiot, but I've never installed an automatic tranny before.

And I haven't done the job yet, thanks for the info tho people. Will probably do it tomorrow.
converter snout is the part that slides into the tranny, put some fluid or moly lube or something on it so the seal is not dry when you put it together.