when is a opinion a hate crime

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If this guy wasn’t a car guy who died in a car, this would be a non-starter.
People are probably defensive of his “art”. (movies)
I researched him and he seemed like a decent enough bloke.
The guy from South Africa………who cares?
Except for the politically frustrated.
See my point?
Let me give the OP some free advice. (Worth what you pay for it)
NO ONE cares what I think.
And exactly 12 people care what (fill in the blank) thinks.
(You know who you are, politcs)
This place has clicks. There’s a surprise.
The internet is something old hippies can learn.
Learn the rules of the road and you will be fine.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmI5Mh76D5w"]Boobs A Lot - The Holy Modal Rounders - YouTube[/ame]
Mandela looks and speaks as if he could be Obamas grand Dad.

As far as Paul. This Is what happens to popular rich people that have more money then brains.
I saw a interview with him about the shows influence on teens racing and driving fast on the streets. In his mind he was a professional. He warned fans not to copy the stunts that he does on the streets for the safety of others. He also stated that all of the fast driving was done on a controlled set. There is no special place for him. He will go to the same place as others that were killed due to his influence.

Paul was no different then you or I except for being in the right place at the right time for his stardom. And the wrong place at the wrong time for his demise like us all. He chose his destiny when he got in that car just like some of my friends did.

My Daughters fiancee thought it was OK to drive fast and furious. He took others with him. He died Kneeling in a field next to others that were dead dialing my daughters number for over 10 minutes thinking she was going to answer. One of the passengers was found buy his own brother. His head was about 4 ft from his body. Wonder how he is dealing with this.

So I know how others feel about the people who influence Deaths in their families.

May they rot in piece.

I agree with the OP why was he so special to get a tribute from anyone that didn't personally know him through life. What about the losses of our family members who died because they followed the influential Assholes. Where are their tributes.

I would spit on his grave. How is that for a tribute.


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Everyone on fabo is entitled to their opinion. Noone is entitled to attack another or harrass another because their opinions differ.Everyone here is entitled to say what they want to say but not call another out.
Guess I will get kicked off here for awhile but it is great to see there are still some guys with BALLS that agree with a old hippie rebel. I guess I am so afraid of stepping on toes I let these pencil neck queeks get to me. Now I know why I have a 1/2 mile driveway--leaves lots of room for targets. I had a guy tell me one time he bet I had very few friends, I replied I had 6 all it took to carry a casket if one died before me we just add a wheel because that friend can not be replaced. All my friends I have had for over 30 years the newer folks I just know. Thank some of you for understanding my opinion to those that don't may you soon learn I DO NOT CARE!

Noone will be kicked off here for their opinion unless its vile or profane. People may recieve infractions or be banned for personal attacks.
Noone is entitled to attack another or harrass another because their opinions differ.

So when is this going to start being enforced? What I have heard in the past is that what one considers being harassed is nothing more than them having a "thin skin"......what one considers harassment another will not.....perceptions of things vary....
Is opinion a hate crime? No. Is expressing your opinion protected by the Constitution of the United States? Yes. (I would suggest you read it before hiding behind it, though.)
Should you have the presence of mind to know when to express your opinion and when it's not appropriate? One would hope, but apparently courtesy and bearing are trumped by rudeness and bad upbringing.

A good example is my having stated my opinion in one of those threads and being asked at least twice to point out where I saw what I based my statement on. I was asked, so I did.
Then I was accused of both attacking that member and deriving sexual pleasure from watching the dead actor's movies.


I served my country to protect everyone's rights. I just wish folks would be more respectful of other's rights while exercising their own.

I'm over it.
Color me gone.
You know at first I felt bad for the attack victims, now I just gotta say put your big boy britches on after you apply some butthurt cream and get over it guys, really? Ya'll are acting no different than the flute section and the flag girls in the highschool band I graduated from a few years ago. All I keep hearing is "boo hoo I got attacked once and now when someone questions my opinion or disagrees with and creates a disscussion by using my quote button I'm gonna cry attack."

Grow up people.

I got attacked by somebody recently in the slant forum and do you see me crying? No. Did Bill get punished? No. Do I care? No. If you dont like what someone has to say, walk away like I did.

To the attackers, do you really have nothing else to do but sit here and challenging everything? Does putting people down and establishing your supreme all knowing make you feel more secure? Get a life.

Grow up people.

Paul Walker sucks and I don't care that he died, glad someone else said it first so I didn't have to be public enemy.

Obama is in office, the majority of folks here voted for him twice as logic dictates. Deal with it, dont turn this into a political thread.

Let me reiterate.
Grow up!!!
Then I was accused of both attacking that member and deriving sexual pleasure from watching the dead actor's movies.


I served my country to protect everyone's rights. I just wish folks would be more respectful of other's rights while exercising their own.

I'm over it.
Color me gone.

Rev, The posts have been cleaned up a bit........Thank You for your service to our country :salute:

:sad8: I am in disbelief over the fights/arguments that several of these threads have caused. All (or most) of us have done some stupid stuff in the past & been involved in incidents that maybe we're not proud of. I can vividly remember being in a 69 Coronet going 95 MPH....blowing blindly thru a Stop sign at the bottom of a hill.....Thankfully we didn't hit anyone & I'll never forget it. There were 5 of us in the car! :wack:

Stuff happens & it's not always good. These 2 guys died & I'm truly sorry for their families.......Very tragic Accident IMO

Everyone has an opinion & is entitled to IT.....Mine is posted too :cheers:
He chose his destiny when he got in that car just like some of my friends did.

here here, couldn't have said that ANY of that better. Sorry that was something your daughter had to endure at such a young age.

Kind of irritating to me that the same day a real american hero died. Not a movie star but a MAN they in part made a movie series after hardly got an honorable mention. Why? because PW carelessly got into a car and got himself killed.

Rest in peace - Edward James “Babe” Heffron
None will be kicked off here for their opinion unless its vile or profane. People may recieve infractions or be banned for personal attacks.


Hemi---, like floatin on a cloud of Boobies --- Satin Lined ---
I agree. I get enough crap and negativity from my wife and inlaws. I'm just here to share experience and help others. If a thread gets off track I just back out and go elsewhere as I don't need to deal with that here. I also have learned not to care what others think of me.
I tell it the way I see it. I am who I am and that's just the way it is........ I don't judge by color, age, religion or creed. I just don't like stupidity and negativity.
As person here whom I hold high opinion of has been known to say "There is life outside the internet."

We would ALL do well to remember that.
To answer the question, Opinions become a hate crime when damage is done by the opinion. Name calling, sterotyping, etc in an opinion is damage.

Opinions can be given without insult, or harassment.

People die everyday, The great ones don't need press coverage to glorify it.
Noone will be kicked off here for their opinion unless its vile or profane. People may recieve infractions or be banned for personal attacks.

So when is this going to start being enforced?

That's what I want to know. I'm breaking my own personal rule here by posting, but it's a legitimate question, Pete.

So when do the staff actually crack down on the bullshit that goes on around here? Some of you know the situation that's lead to my leaving already, some of you don't, but when do the mods start reeling in the idiots who have nothing better to do but act like they own the site and all others can go to hell?

I'm sorry, but when two members take it upon themselves to act as mods and issue cease and desist orders for posting in threads because a member has been banned and "they don't want his thread closed..." All this happened while I was sitting next to Sarah as she lay in a coma and I was the one, along with a newbie who hasn't posted since, who was issued the cease and desist order.

They f***ing venerated the banned member like he was dead while my wife was fighting for her life! HOW F***ING DARE THEY! But, these two idiots were - are - part of the clique, so they get a free pass. Do you actually think the rest of the clique were going to say anything to their buddies? And the mods said nothing.

Yes, there's a clique going on around here. There always will be. Friendships form, people speak to each other on one on one basis, but the bullshit has to end somewhere.

So, when do the mods put an end to the bullshit? When the know-it-all run's everyone else off the site?

But then again, what the f*** do I know, since "I'm always usually anything but helpful."

I've got a grudge against these members and rarely deal with them, but it's hard to do when one of the f***ing idiots seems to like to follow me from thread to thread to post something just to start ****.

But, like I said, he's part of the clique, so it's no big f***ing deal.

Yeah, my smart mouth has gotten me into situations around here that I'm less than pleased about myself with. I've had to back off to deal with what's going in my head in my personal life. But, you know, at least I'm aware enough about myself that I can take a long hard look in the mirror and see what I'm doing - what I've done - and why it's not healthy for me to do such, but some of the idiots around here are so convinced that they're in the right they will never do so. Must be nice to be so high and mighty that they think they're freaking perfect as to go around correcting everyone, even when it comes to someone's personal experience.

To my friends on here, I'm sorry if I've upset you, but enough's enough. There's only so much a person can tolerate before he's ready to start pushing back.

So, do I start pushing back or do I just walk away? The healthier choice is to walk away.
I have often wondered why threads like Nelson Mandela, Paul Walker and etc.. are not moved in to the News and Politics forum? Is that not what they are? I have avoided both of these topics because sooner or later they all seem to turn in to a **** storm one way or another.
I have started. I will do what I can do.Some have recieved warnings and others infractions.But I have to be impartial.
I have often wondered why threads like Nelson Mandela, Paul Walker and etc.. are not moved in to the News and Politics forum? Is that not what they are? I have avoided both of these topics because sooner or later they all seem to turn in to a **** storm one way or another.

My thoughts exactly!
I have often wondered why threads like Nelson Mandela, Paul Walker and etc.. are not moved in to the News and Politics forum? Is that not what they are? I have avoided both of these topics because sooner or later they all seem to turn in to a **** storm one way or another.

Good point Bill.
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