Where to start???



The "Big G"
Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
Chilliwack, BC, Canada
Hey guys,
I was wondering if there is a logical order that a restoration takes after tear down? Drive train first, body second, electrical third, etc. I'm at the stage where I can start, but I just don't know where to start? Since a lot of you have done this more than once, I thought I should ask all of you. Any tips?:prayer:
Body since everything bolts onto it, if doing lots of customizing make sure everything fits then break it back down paint it and assemble again.
Body since everything bolts onto it, if doing lots of customizing make sure everything fits then break it back down paint it and assemble again.

That is the way that custom builders do it. It makes sense too. You fab parts, fit them, then pull them for paint.

What do you do when you have a running, driving car? I guess you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. It IS daunting to take a running car apart though. My Charger was running during body and paint. We removed all body panels that could be unbolted.
The TV car show builds often show the order of Drivetrain, Body and paint, then interior.
I'd get the body on the go first but there is nothing wrong with working on the engine if that is what you are more interested in doing right now. Obviously some work just doesn't make sense to do right now. Some suggest just picking one thing and working on that rather than trying to have everything on the go (unless you are sending it out). Personally I like to have a few different jobs going at the same time in case I get stuck on one waiting for parts or just plain tired of it. Its nice to plan future jobs out and make sure you have the right parts and know how before you get to it too.