Which heater box is correct?



Squid inc
FABO Gold Member
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Winock WA
My '64 Barracuda came without a heater. I bought one (not sure of the year), but it's too busted up to warrant repairing. Grabbed another from a '63 Valiant today, but the cable brackets and one door are in different locations. Can anyone tell me, from the pics, which style is correct for 1964? I'll adapt the brackets on the '63 box (the one in the back) if I need to.


The '63 heater box partially intruded into the engine bay, in '64 they were modified along with the firewall to accommodate the then-new 273 V8. This is why '63 A body V8 swaps need to have the offending section of heater box modified or eliminated.
What you need is a '64-'66 heater box; I don't believe the '63 version can be made to work in a '64 and up. Maybe someone knows a work-around on this, but I'm doubtful.
The '63 heater box partially intruded into the engine bay, in '64 they were modified along with the firewall to accommodate the then-new 273 V8. This is why '63 A body V8 swaps need to have the offending section of heater box modified or eliminated.
What you need is a '64-'66 heater box; I don't believe the '63 version can be made to work in a '64 and up. Maybe someone knows a work-around on this, but I'm doubtful.
I'm starting to think the broken one is from a '65/ '66(?), as there was a slide-type dash control assembly in the box of parts that came with it. I'll try dry fitting the '63 box to my firewall before I go any further with it.
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I have a 66 on a shelf with a new heater core and rebuild kit (I think). I found an AC box after the fact and converted it
So the one on the bottom with the motor resistor on the top is for a 64. You should be able to use a 63 box with 64 cables. Be interesting to see what you come up with. I have both a 63 Dart and 64 Barracuda.
63 Cars did not have the heater box in the engine compartment, only 60-62. 63's did have the wiper motor in an unusual spot, still in the car but jet out making it hard to put in a V8, distro would hit.
At first I tried gluing all the pieces back together for the broken box. It fit the car fine, but the glue job didn't hold. The one I got from the '63 is physically identical, housing-wise. It's all assembled now, hopefully I'll get to install it and test how the cables fit up today or tomorrow.
At first I tried gluing all the pieces back together for the broken box. It fit the car fine, but the glue job didn't hold. The one I got from the '63 is physically identical, housing-wise. It's all assembled now, hopefully I'll get to install it and test how the cables fit up today or tomorrow.
What did you have to glue together?
First I used Gorilla glue, some seams held fine, others not at all. I cleaned all the edges with lacquer thinner, then tried a 2-part epoxy I had. Same problem, it simply wouldn't bond. The firewall side of the box was in about 10 pieces when I started, I figured it was easier to just get another.