Which Youtube Interruption (advertisement) Bugs You The Most?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Maybe because I have the equivalent of ten years of college studies (not bragging) but I can't skip the "Grammarly" promotions fast enough. That's funny,, my spell check just underlined grammarly, did I spell it wrong? Ask me if I care.
You tube premium is worth every penny. No ads and a ton of additional features.

I use YouTube as a cheap cable because when I had cable I only wanted music channels and movies only, no bullshit tv serials. That is what YouTube delivers.
It sure does suck anymore. I can't believe they stop a song in progress to play an ad. Last night, every time I hit the Skip ad button, it would start playing the ad again, and I had to hit the button again to get to the next song. It's getting worse than the old 8 tracks that cut songs in half, waiting for it to change tracks. And while we're venting, their search function sucks. I put in a specific artist I want to hear, and it brings up other people I listened to before. What good is search, when it finds what you don't want.
the ones that bug me the most are the rude ones
you know, people using profanity or nakedness to sell a product
I pay like $10 a month for the "premium" YouTube. I don't watch TV so YouTube is my entertainment when sitting on the couch. I have my phone linked to my TV so I can cast the video from my phone.

The best part of it is, no advertisements!
I pay like $10 a month for the "premium" YouTube. I don't watch TV so YouTube is my entertainment when sitting on the couch. I have my phone linked to my TV so I can cast the video from my phone.

The best part of it is, no advertisements!

For some unknown reason, when I try to watch a youtube video , it changes to some foreign screen , and is blurry as heck, cant figure out what brought it on.
I can use a diff server that my wife uses and its back to normal.
I have tried everything I can think of to get rid of the Spanish piece of s---- , but nothing works so far .
It's the old "slippery slope" theory or "give an inch and then take a mile". Some examples:

Log Cabin syrup when I was a kid was almost pure maple syrup. Then one year they came out with a "modified" blend that had a lot of corn syrup or something. There was a kind of "apology" on the special label (I remember a blue tag or blue letters that stood out on the bottle) that explained the percentage of maple syrup was lower because of a particularly short run of maple syrup that year. Did they return to the original formula ever again, of course not!

ATM withdrawals originally were free and I thought, wow, the banks are saving so much money employing less bank tellers! Then the fees began without explanation.

When I was a kid, gasoline stations were on every corner participating in "gas wars' seeing who could sell the cheapest. Then we had a "gasoline crises" in the 1970's. Funny thing, during the gas crises I could still find gasoline, just had to shop around, that's all. Never ran out of gas before, during, or after the gas crises (so maybe there was no gas crises after all). After this period, the gas wars never returned, although the crises "ended".

Now the youtube videos are following the same pattern.

P.S. I believe any advertisement that claims an item is "free" should be banned. The only truth in those claims is the item is included in your purchase. Please correct me if I am wrong.