White Zombie

60 Batteries. That should be good for the environment when they die and he throws them in the dumpster.
What he fails to mention is all of the pollution created for all the parts he uses in the car. Also the electricity he recharges with comes from fossil fuels. So while he can claim that he himself doesn't pollute, all the manufacturers he uses I'm sure pollutes more than running a gas engine. And since electric motors emit ozone, he still contributes to pollution on that level. I'd like to see him recharge the car using a generator hooked up to a bike. Then at least he can boast that he is not contributing to pollution from electricity generation.
60 Batteries. That should be good for the environment when they die and he throws them in the dumpster.

Sometimes I wonder if someone will recycle us, or just throw us in the dumpster. (sigh)
("Don't take your organs with you, heaven knows we need them here") wink and laugh.
60 Batteries. That should be good for the environment when they die and he throws them in the dumpster.

Well, I have to jump in and at least say something here. I have (and enjoy) a 6mpg '68 Dart 340. I definitely do not give a crap about being "green", and I don't even buy into the global warming myth. BUT, there is a lot of misinformation being perpetuated out there regarding electric vehicles. I am a life-long MOPAR muscle car guy but I have learned a lot since undertaking my Electric Duster project (see link in my signature).

First, used batteries are not discarded. Almost ALL of the old battery is recycled. There is a hefty core charge if you do not have a battery to turn in when purchasing a new one.

Second, ozone generated from an electric motor? That is just ridiculous! Not even a factor. Nor are the gasses emitted from charging the batteries.

Third, it is just flat incorrect to think that using electricity generated at a power plant equates to burning fossil fuel in an internal combustion engine. It's not even close! It is something like 90% cleaner to use electricity vs fossil fuel. And, it has the possibility to be 100% pollution-free in the future.

There is just so much additional "wrong information" circulated that people believe (and are continually being fed) about electric vehicles that it becomes irritating. Yeah, I know this is not the forum to convince anyone of the viability of electric vehicles, but IMO, we have been fed a lot of propaganda for years to keep us dependent on foreign oil.
I don't have a problem with the viability of electric cars. I think more should be made. I just don't agree with a zero emissions statement.
I say, "To each, his own." If someone wants to go electric, let it be. However, if someone wants to stay with the good old internal combustion engine, no government wanker should have the power to regulate it or take it away. We have gone really wrong in this country.
Figures he's from Hippyville (Oregon :D ) I have a buddy that is always asking "Well what are you going to do when they outlaw the gas motor?" I just tell him that if it does happen in my lifetime I'm going to be getting a lot of tickets.
Nobody in real world everyday conditions should want a car you have to plug in and recharge. The auto companies, while slow, are coming out with electric cars that have a small engine hooked to a generator to keep the batteries charged without having to stop and plug it in.
Chrysler has at least one and as many as five electric vehicles, possibly available as early as 2010 that are just that.







That electric car in the video, while pretty cool, is just a toy. It does not really serve a practical purpose.
One question about electric cars and hybrids in general, why do manufacturers seem to have some physical correlation between ugly dorky looking cars and electric motors? This will not help their acceptance into the mainstream. At least these prototypes from Chrysler look cool. We will have to wait and see what all they come up with.:read2:
Is it a joke?
Got to admit it is funny. Unless you are the fellow in the new Corvette or Beemer getting the A whopping by a 72 Datsoon that makes no noise.
Will the rulebook have to be updated (NHRA rule book).
What do you do if someone shows up an with electric car at the strip?
E.T. Bracket?
Would his car make it across Wyoming without a recharge?
I’ve driven that going cross country and I think there are like two gas stations between the points of entry.
Since people are putting V-10s in E bodies, would anyone consider converting your A body to electric if the technology was there? Live long enough and you might have to.
Hey, at least it wouldn’t be a Chevy engine.
Oh the blasphemy. (LOL)
EV's have potential, getting the infrastructure to move from gasoline might take some time. Building parking lots with hook ups, etc, the list goes on, just like any major shift in fuels for our transportation.
Just remember...if the internal combustion engine is outlawed, only outlaws will have internal combustion engines. That being said. What about steam? I know it'd be difficult, but how awesome would a steam-powered A-body be?:cheers:
Is it a joke?
Got to admit it is funny. Unless you are the fellow in the new Corvette or Beemer getting the A whopping by a 72 Datsoon that makes no noise.
Will the rulebook have to be updated (NHRA rule book).
What do you do if someone shows up an with electric car at the strip?
E.T. Bracket?
Would his car make it across Wyoming without a recharge?
I’ve driven that going cross country and I think there are like two gas stations between the points of entry.
Since people are putting V-10s in E bodies, would anyone consider converting your A body to electric if the technology was there? Live long enough and you might have to.
Hey, at least it wouldn’t be a Chevy engine.
Oh the blasphemy. (LOL)
I can never understand what the heck you're talking about.

In regard to the electric A-body - see post 6 in this thread and follow the link at the bottom of his post.

I think this is badass. Hot-Rodding is about innovation, and having something you built, rather than bought.

Obviously they make the most favorable comparisons they can in that story. yes, this massively modified, expensive one-off car that is set up for drag racing is faster than stock cars with drivers trying to preserve their hardware. Big surprise.

Couple of things that aren't obvious from that story.

It takes a lot of generator juice to charge those batteries back up, and that's done with gasoline.

This car does not have a lot of range. Everything is set up for high speed discharge, which is the converse of having lots of driving range.

This setup is massively expensive. Those inverters are a couple grand each, and those batteries are pretty pricey one at a time. The motor he's using is probably about as much as a Mopar stroker shortblock.

2600 lbs is very very light, and 11.90s isn't fast for anything but an electric car.

All that said, its still bad ***.


I think this is badass. Hot-Rodding is about innovation, and having something you built, rather than bought.

Obviously they make the most favorable comparisons they can in that story. yes, this massively modified, expensive one-off car that is set up for drag racing is faster than stock cars with drivers trying to preserve their hardware. Big surprise.

Couple of things that aren't obvious from that story.

It takes a lot of generator juice to charge those batteries back up, and that's done with gasoline.

This car does not have a lot of range. Everything is set up for high speed discharge, which is the converse of having lots of driving range.

This setup is massively expensive. Those inverters are a couple grand each, and those batteries are pretty pricey one at a time. The motor he's using is probably about as much as a Mopar stroker shortblock.

2600 lbs is very very light, and 11.90s isn't fast for anything but an electric car.

All that said, its still bad ***.


The real limitation with electric vehicles right now is the small amount of energy storage. As you alluded to, you have to choose how you want to use your available power - all at once to go fast for a short distance, or a little at a time to go farther but slower. For this reason, EVs have to be "purpose built". I designed my Duster to only attain freeway speeds so I can get the range I want.

In the very near future, the storage problem will be greatly improved. When it's time, I plan to replace my lead-acid batteries with something much lighter and energy-dense. THEN, we'll have something more appealing to more people.

Right, it ain't cheap but hey, somebody has to pioneer this stuff. As was mentioned, this is part of the true spirit of hotrodding IMO.

That is rather interesting, but I wonder if her realizes White Zombie is a band? He even uses the band logo on the side of the car. Watch him get sued.
I can never understand what the heck you're talking about.

In regard to the electric A-body - see post 6 in this thread and follow the link at the bottom of his post.

Hell, that makes two of us that don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know either. (At least two people, probably more.)

This has nothing to do with this electric cars, but I got it this morning and thought it was funny too. Just another wacky drag race. Strap rockets to your rear with roller skates and race an Austin Martin.
(German with the skates)
Hell, that makes two of us that don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know either. (At least two people, probably more.)

This has nothing to do with this electric cars, but I got it this morning and thought it was funny too. Just another wacky drag race. Strap rockets to your rear with roller skates and race an Austin Martin.
(German with the skates)

That is one crazy German guy!!

Did any of you that have commented on the plug-in cars even read my post?
The Chrysler concept vehicles I am talking about use a very small efficient engine to turn a generator and charge the batteries. There is nothing to plug in and they are supposed to get in excess of 150 mpg.