Who the hell invited this guy "Murphy"


plum crazy dart

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
agawam, ma
And why does he get to make laws? I really hate this guy right now. Long story short. Been laid off for a year unemployment running out, supposed to be going back to work. Everytime I call and ask I get, it IS going to happen. So to stay a little ahead I figured I'd sell my bike, perfect time of the year. I can always get another one easier than another mopar. So I put a new battery in it and change the oil, write up an ad post it and put bike out in front of the house. Get a few hits. So this morning I fire it up to move it out front and when I get it there I'm hearing a funny noise. Kind of like a little rapping but not a consistent sound. So I'm like WTF now. Can't really tell where it's coming from but seems to be more pronounced on the right side bottom end. I've had the bike for four years, never a problem except a bad factory ground. Now I have to spend $$ I don't have to fix it to sell it. Same damn thing happened to my snowmobile last winter. :banghead::banghead::banghead: This murphy guy has gotta go!!!! Ok rant over.
Too bad you don't live closer, I'd take care of the bike for ya.

Might be an exhaust leak....
Sucks having to invest $$ to sell for sure!! Hope its an easy/cheap fix for ya and the unemployment turns around.
That's strange and....kind of unfortunate. Wanna hear something weird? My daughter needed $445.00 for a school cheerleader outfit. I didn't really have it but thought I'd just "put it on the card" and worry about it later. Then.....some guy knocks on my front door out of the blue and offers to buy an old dirtbike I have in the backyard for $450! That was pretty weird, except all I could do is hand it off to my daughter....lol.

Good luck with getting your bike straightened out and running good, PCD......you never know how things may turn out!
Ya the oil level if good, It's an 02' honda vtx 1800. May get a chance to look at it a little closer tomorrow. Either that or work on the car. Went to Ralphs Rapid Transit show tonight, got home pull in the driveway, get out of the car to open the garage door and the car stalls, turns over but won't start. Said screw it at least it's home and pushed it into the garage. Oh well at least she's safe at home.
Change the oil and filter. Most likely condensation this time of year is giving you issues with the hydraulic cam chain tensioners on that honda. :)
Thanks Ram, gonna check it out today. It's funny because it's not steady, comes and goes, has no real rhythm. Then I'll go play with the car, thinking electrical no spark on that. I know there's gas is it and pretty sure it's getting to carb, pumped it a couple times and I could smell it. Thanks everyone, I hope for that phone call to go back to work every day.
Pulled the plugs the other day and they looked like total crap. Loaded with carbon. Last fall we went camping and did a lot of slow speed driving around in the campground must have loaded them up. Put a new set in today, Forty bucks and change for four plugs for a v twin. Ran like a 110 ft/lb tq beast!!! No noises :) :)


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Happy to hear you got your bike up and running it's best, know all we need to hear is that
the job thing is fixed :cheers:
I wish I could say it was :( I'm going to see/talk to my immediate boss on saturday. But at least the bike is ready and back up for sale. Thanks Memike