Who watched the Olympics?



John/68 Barracuda & Dart
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Newport News, Virginia
Now that the Olympics in Beijing are over I`m realizing how much I`ve enjoyed this year. I`ve watched for many years but was really drawn to this particular one for some reason. It may have started with that awesome opening ceremony but I just don`t know. Wow 4 more years to wait! Who out there watched and was I the only one that enjoyed this one more than previous Olympics?
I did :cheers:
The volley ball team and the sprinkling of the lead ladies mother that was in the Olympics years ago in the sand . Hawaii young boys wan the world series.
And the great swimmer won 8 gold metals.
And 4 years ago I was busy and not watching it like I did this year.
I enjoyed alot of it! I liked the little peek into China even though it is only what they let us see......
It was incredible! Cant believe its over already. Besides the swimming, I enjoyed gymnastics the most. How is London going to match what Beijing did for the opening ceremony? Good luck with that!!
I guess it was pretty good but just like every Olympics it was tainted by incompetent and/or corrupt judging.
I don't usualy watch it but this year I realy got into it. I don't know why. I just did. I had a lot of fun routing for the good old USA!
I watched it almost every night I really enjoyed it this year also. I usually watch but not to the extent I did this year. By the way what are you talking about 4 years arent the winter olympics in two years I like them a lot too. There are a lot of interesting sports there as well. But I have to admit the one sport I just couldn't get into this year in the summer olympics was ping pong although they really are amazing at what they do I just couldn't get into it. Justin
I watched it when I could. Been busy at work lately. Swimming was awsome. As well a beach volley ball. & to think I once had a body like Phelps has. That boy is ripped! Man I have let myself go..........
I watched some, (not all, I've been really dang busy getting ready to move) and it was really pretty cool. I enjoy watching people who train so hard to do their personal best and consider it quite inspirational.