why! Just why!



Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Mason, MI
Does it bug anyone else when people try to sell stuff and there is never any pics? Yes let me just drop thousands on a car or part I can't see....:banghead::banghead::violent1::protest:
Personally ,If I sell something I post a picture to market it properly.
Sometimes I ask for a picture and sometimes people do not know how and sometimes people could care less.
Of course,by posting a picture you show possession or at least your copy and paste skills...
But to just pass over something because their is no picture is fine with me !!!
You do not know what I received today in the mail purchased off of FABO without pictures and received just as described !!!
So I could careless pic or no pics....
Just my 2 cents.
For DECADES we read classified ads and that was good enough. We read the ad, then called the number. Many times the trip wasn't worth the gas or the time. FREE ad sites like craigslist has ruined the newspaper ad industry. Now EVERYone needs pictures before the bother a seller with crank phone calls and visits to see stuff that they have no intention of buying. I can't even begin to count how many assclowns call me just to talk about the cars that they once had, the plans they have for the cars that they already have, or any other dang thing.
For DECADES we read classified ads and that was good enough. We read the ad, then called the number. Many times the trip wasn't worth the gas or the time. FREE ad sites like craigslist has ruined the newspaper ad industry. Now EVERYone needs pictures before the bother a seller with crank phone calls and visits to see stuff that they have no intention of buying. I can't even begin to count how many assclowns call me just to talk about the cars that they once had, the plans they have for the cars that they already have, or any other dang thing.

Sure in that day you could physical go look at it! With internet now a photo should be a given. And if someone buys a partshould over the internet without seeing a photo
And gets hosed thats there own problem. Not like its hard to upload a photo. Some sellers don't put enough info in there ad to know what your buying
You have to figure when your on here the odds of someone being close enough to go look at something is slim to none. Sometimes I will asked for a pic and they act like they never seen my post or post a picture of a new part when their selling a used one.... come on now if your selling a used part that is what I want to see....
Here we go again......

You know are there topics on the board that are relevant to discuss! It's how progress is made. I for one like photos in the ads. Being newer to Mopars, I don't always know what some things are or do! If your going be a moderator be a moderator and sit back and step in when needed! Frankly your comment was pretty needless, discussing things is how things get done or understood!
Well are we talking bout here or all over the net ? Cuz i dont treat both the same . I would need to know what we are talking out lol
For me. If I am looking to buy something from someone I do not know. I am more interested in the persons reputation then a picture. Pictures are basically worthless if the seller is running a scam. I would never buy anything for serious money based only on a picture.

As for the poster who had a response to moderators commentig.
Are they not entitled to there opinion?
For me. If I am looking to buy something from someone I do not know. I am more interested in the persons reputation then a picture. Pictures are basically worthless if the seller is running a scam. I would never buy anything for serious money based only on a picture.

As for the poster who had a response to moderators commentig.
Are they not entitled to there opinion?

Really nobody would/should buy based off just a photo. Its a collective of information gathered to make an educated and informed purchase.

As to the comment about Ink sure have an opinion, weigh in on the topic. But his was of a statement in regards to the type of thread. Personally I think there are somethings that do need addressed or discussed. Its people with ideas and suggestions that help the site evolve. And you know even if its been mentioned several times in the past its always a great reminder!
Really nobody would/should buy based off just a photo. Its a collective of information gathered to make an educated and informed purchase.

Agree it's a collection of information, and even that sometimes goes south.

Once several years ago I purchased a hood. The seller had no references, but provided several pictures and described it as only having minimal bondo.

So I took a chance and bought it. You guessed it covered in plastic.
When I asked how that was minimal his response was. Well anything that is more metal then plastic is minimal and this hood is only about 30% plastic.

So for me it's references or I see it in person. I would rather lose out on one good deal then get stuck with ten bad ones.
Thats one of the bad parts of internet shopping. Some times you have to rely on the information given by the seller and pray its right. Which is why when I shop this is one of the first places I look. Then I contact those ive bought from before to see if they might have it. And I dont buy from those with a low post count right or wrong but my methods of buying here have yet to yield a bad one.
You know are there topics on the board that are relevant to discuss! It's how progress is made. I for one like photos in the ads. Being newer to Mopars, I don't always know what some things are or do! If your going be a moderator be a moderator and sit back and step in when needed! Frankly your comment was pretty needless, discussing things is how things get done or understood!
SO I am not "allowed" to say anything? Really?? Did not see that one in the moderator handbook. Nice how you singled my "needless" comment out, way to put yourself in the cross hairs buddy. Aint like this has not been dragged to death, same people making the same comments for a few pages until someone crosses the line and it gets sent to the trash. Or it just fades away and DOES NOT CHANGE A THING......In the future perhaps I should ask YOUR permission if I am allowed to speak?? Or perhaps you should just read here how others feel about Moderators and there "right" to speak......:-({|=
Yes....Pics will always help your cause.
It's been discussed before, but so has alot of other things ie (which carb is best ?)
It's kind of a no brainier though. Pics = Good.
Let's keep our cool.........
................ALRIGHTY..........I 4 1 cannot get the pics figured.......but i see that part with pics i just gotta have,so i buy it cause it looks awesome, u guessed it, most of the time the pic is of the actual part, but not always, as we know of more than a few recent threads where members have been burned and burned bad,...i have bought many parts sight unseen, new or used as i sure the hell know what it looks like.....If a member tells me its a good part i have no reason to disbelieve him/her......I guess i still put to much trust in ppl. In all honesty the only thing i've really be screwed on is the shipping, if some1 tells me its this much 4 shipping or this much shipped 4 the item and shipping,not say its X amount and it way less, they should honor their word instead of backing out of a deal or asking 4 more coin.............kim.........