Wife fell down

Glad shes ok, my wife pulled one of these too about a week ago.

We had just gotten out of the car to go for a hike, walking across the parking lot to the trail head she steps in a hole in the pavement, down she goes. Got a big bruise on her knee and a a small scrape.
First thing I said was "Watch what your doing" !

Later she laughed that I didnt say, are you ok, but watch what your doing, cause she said if I had fallen she would have said the same thing.
My wife's always doing stuff like that, shes too busy looking at the sights to watch where shes walking/stepping.
Glad she wasn't seriously hurt.... Just do say what i did joking to mine lol btw mine was not in a joking mood lol i told her to roll around lol
Oh you wacky Canadians, you can get away with the occasional puff, down here we can't. On another note, my wife is the world's worst klutz, is constantly falling on her ***, and I, of few social graces, never know how to handle it.
You folks are killing her with your comments. They say laughter is the best medicine, thanks folks....
She was able to get back to weed eating in a timely manner wasn't she?????!!!! LOLmy wife slipped on some wet concrete and broke her knee cap in three pieces, not good
I thought you were gonna say you had a knot on the head where she whacked you with the weed eater.............
Sorry to hear about your wife falling. My wife is a faller, I never know what to do after it either. :shock: Laugh, cry, I don't know
She was able to get back to weed eating in a timely manner wasn't she?????!!!! LOLmy wife slipped on some wet concrete and broke her knee cap in three pieces, not good
You don't want to know what she just called you.....thru the laughter of course....