Wife's project



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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or should I say one of them....

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our future Christmas tree skirt. She is really enjoying quilting. She has her big quilt that she is working on, she is working on a smaller one for me when I am sitting in my Lazy Boy, and she is working on several small things for one of the clubs she belongs to. She is really enjoying it, keeps her very busy.
That is going to be one hell of a tree skirt. Very nice.

I remember my grandmother and her sisters having quilting bees when I was a youngster. You sure don't see it much anymore.

my mom likes to quilt
my son has a few blankets that she made him and my daughter (due in 3 weeks) has one waiting for her at the post office, I just haven't picked it up yet
Yeah, like many other things it seems, just becoming a lost art. Pretty cool looking ink, I love just about anything homemade.
Looks good. Glad she has found such a cool passion.

Me too....unfortunatly, due to personality conflicts, the small group that met on Fridays has dis-banded, for now. One of the ladies is going to look into finding them another place to meet.

That is going to be one hell of a tree skirt. Very nice.

I remember my grandmother and her sisters having quilting bees when I was a youngster. You sure don't see it much anymore.


Sad but true. My Mother was a knitter....and she crocheted. Have all kinds of sweaters etc that she made me....if only I fit in them LOL....

my mom likes to quilt
my son has a few blankets that she made him and my daughter (due in 3 weeks) has one waiting for her at the post office, I just haven't picked it up yet

Cool, at least you have some time before your girl arrives to go pick it up. Congratulations, hope all goes smoothly in your Daughters birth. Got a name picked out yet?

Yeah, like many other things it seems, just becoming a lost art. Pretty cool looking ink, I love just about anything homemade.

Another sad but true statement. One of the ladies she quilts with has taught her to make wicker baskets. Same woman, after she recovers form her recent surgery is going to try to teach Ernestina how to knit.

Ernie used to spend alot of time playing card games on the computer. Now she hardly plays any games, she is cutting, sewing/ripping and ironing. She thinks she has enough squares made for my little "Strip Quilt", she just needs to put it together....