Wigging out......



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Docs put me on a new med for asthma...Duoneb.....need a nebulizer to take it. Was told to use it 4 times a day........took a dose at 6 and at 11.....I am now absolutely wigging......Been pacing, fidgeting...pacing pacing.....fidgeting...pacing....wigging out.......guess this aint for me.......need to get up and walk some more....
Yeah. Find something different.
what are you taking????..im taking combivent..Atrovent HFT..every two hours or as needed.along with Spiriva and Advair 250/50 and a nebulizer Albuterol sulfate..and I know the advair is a Steroid..and will do that so if your having trouble with the shakes or pains in the chest STOP and get ahold of sumone before you take any more or you will end up in the horspistol like I did.and now I have hart trouble along with every thing else:cheers:....hope that helps good luck...........Artie
Back in the day we use to pay good money time feel like that!lol
what are you taking????..im taking combivent..Atrovent HFT..every two hours or as needed.along with Spiriva and Advair 250/50 and a nebulizer Albuterol sulfate..and I know the advair is a Steroid..and will do that so if your having trouble with the shakes or pains in the chest STOP and get ahold of sumone before you take any more or you will end up in the horspistol like I did.and now I have hart trouble along with every thing else:cheers:....hope that helps good luck...........Artie
Taking Duoneb thru the nebulizer and Dulera as an inhaler. Artie, if you don't mind me asking do you COPD, Asthma or?

I agree with everyone, get ahold of your dr asap. I guess if its giving you any type of anxietyfeeling, you are supposed to stop immediately and call your doc. Here is some general info, if you haven't looked it up already lol http://www.drugs.com/duoneb.html

What a nite....today aint much better. Head is pounding...almost feels like a really bad hangover.

Being bi-polar makes things a bit interesting when it comes to meds at times. Generally do not do real well with any type of steroid. When I picked up the nebulizer the other day the woman that helped me said that the Duoneb has a good deal of Abuterol in it....and that it very could cause problems for me. Last night was not a full blown mania....nor a full blown panic attack but a very strange mix of the two.

I am not going to use any of it for a few days. Then I will try the Duoneb, by itself, early in the day. I am supposed to be going for a sleep study here sometime soon and will make a point of seeing the Doc that gave me the Duoneb to talk to him about everything....Fun times.....
I get like that sometimes when I have to bump my prednisone up during a flare. The littlest hing triggers anxiety, anger, irritability, I get the shakes way worse than usual. I always warn everyone when I am on a high dose. I take Effexor for severe anxiety/depression, and it helps. The 100mg of Trazadone at night is the only way I can go to sleep.

I hope you get it figured out. It sucks when your mood is all messed up and you don't know why.
I get like that sometimes when I have to bump my prednisone up during a flare. The littlest hing triggers anxiety, anger, irritability, I get the shakes way worse than usual. I always warn everyone when I am on a high dose. I take Effexor for severe anxiety/depression, and it helps. The 100mg of Trazadone at night is the only way I can go to sleep.

I hope you get it figured out. It sucks when your mood is all messed up and you don't know why.

Will be sending you a pm sometime soon.....
Ceacking in on you this morning buddy,yes I have COPD and I geuss evry thing eles you can have wrong with the lungs.along with an articulating valve in my hart.they say its from smokeing and im sour it does to a cence but I also think that working in a body shop doing fiber glass work and painting for 25yrs had more to do with it.back in the late 60s and all of the 70s and most of the 80s I was the only one In our area that did fiber glass work.and was the first panter in the state of MD.to paint with IMRON paint and like meny meny painters didn't were a mask.Untell I was hospitalized the secend time.boy I cant belve I was that stuped!! But I was making more money than most body and paint men In our area too.and back then a man making 70,000 a year was unheard of and If I would have went to the DC.area I could have doubled that...but that's life..now all I can do is set here with an oxygen hose in my nose and think about all of it..and try to help others and here lately have screwed that up..that another subject..OOOO well anyways get your self a good lung dr. and listen to him so you don't end up like me....take care...........Artie:coffee2::coffee2:
Ceacking in on you this morning buddy,yes I have COPD and I geuss evry thing eles you can have wrong with the lungs.along with an articulating valve in my hart.they say its from smokeing and im sour it does to a cence but I also think that working in a body shop doing fiber glass work and painting for 25yrs had more to do with it.back in the late 60s and all of the 70s and most of the 80s I was the only one In our area that did fiber glass work.and was the first panter in the state of MD.to paint with IMRON paint and like meny meny painters didn't were a mask.Untell I was hospitalized the secend time.boy I cant belve I was that stuped!! But I was making more money than most body and paint men In our area too.and back then a man making 70,000 a year was unheard of and If I would have went to the DC.area I could have doubled that...but that's life..now all I can do is set here with an oxygen hose in my nose and think about all of it..and try to help others and here lately have screwed that up..that another subject..OOOO well anyways get your self a good lung dr. and listen to him so you don't end up like me....take care...........Artie:coffee2::coffee2:
Imron paint.....had a friend that whose race car was painted with that stuff...as close to scratch resistant as you could get but.....He wanted to get the car repainted but could not find any one willing to deal with it.
Sorry to read of your troubles. I am on the opposite end of it all, just diagnosed and trying to figure out what meds will work. I often have troubles getting along with alot of different meds, either they do absolutely nothing or I get all the goofy side effects. Right now I am getting treated mainly by my primary care doc. He has referred me out to someone....not real wild about the guy but I am going to be patient, for now, and see where it goes. Just glad I never smoked. Grew up in a house of smokers. My Mother ended up losing the bottom third of her lungs to cancer. But I don't think she ever had any of the other lung ailments.
Artie, I may have a few questions down the road, hope you don't mind me contacting you about this stuff....
Imron paint.....had a friend that whose race car was painted with that stuff...as close to scratch resistant as you could get but.....He wanted to get the car repainted but could not find any one willing to deal with it.
Sorry to read of your troubles. I am on the opposite end of it all, just diagnosed and trying to figure out what meds will work. I often have troubles getting along with alot of different meds, either they do absolutely nothing or I get all the goofy side effects. Right now I am getting treated mainly by my primary care doc. He has referred me out to someone....not real wild about the guy but I am going to be patient, for now, and see where it goes. Just glad I never smoked. Grew up in a house of smokers. My Mother ended up losing the bottom third of her lungs to cancer. But I don't think she ever had any of the other lung ailments.
Artie, I may have a few questions down the road, hope you don't mind me contacting you about this stuff....
Ill help any way I can IM no dr. by any means but I have been putiing up withis for 15yrs.now I know that it takes about 3or4 days for your body to ajust to the shock of sum of this stuff..If you have COPD your best frend will be the advair and the Spiriva I can only use the advir 250/50 cuz the 500/50 is to strong.........and it takes 8day to get the full affect of it.but you will see a big deference in 3 days..........Ill be here for ya..........Artie
just checking on you this morning to see how your doing better I hope don't get on much on the weekends will check in on you occasionally............Artie
Ill help any way I can IM no dr. by any means but I have been putiing up withis for 15yrs.now I know that it takes about 3or4 days for your body to ajust to the shock of sum of this stuff..If you have COPD your best frend will be the advair and the Spiriva I can only use the advir 250/50 cuz the 500/50 is to strong.........and it takes 8day to get the full affect of it.but you will see a big deference in 3 days..........Ill be here for ya..........Artie

I am hoping that was the cause, that it was just something new...8 days to get the full effect, interesting....

just checking on you this morning to see how your doing better I hope don't get on much on the weekends will check in on you occasionally............Artie

Artie, thanks for your concern. I decided that I was going to not use any of it for a few days. Going to start using the nebulizer today, just once a day for a few days. If I have no troubles I will bump it to twice a day for a few days. Once I get used to it I will start using the Dulera again. The one doc I seen said he would prefer me to just use the nebulizer, he feels it is a much better delivery system...

Thanks again Artie....
I am hoping that was the cause, that it was just something new...8 days to get the full effect, interesting....

Artie, thanks for your concern. I decided that I was going to not use any of it for a few days. Going to start using the nebulizer today, just once a day for a few days. If I have no troubles I will bump it to twice a day for a few days. Once I get used to it I will start using the Dulera again. The one doc I seen said he would prefer me to just use the nebulizer, he feels it is a much better delivery system...

Thanks again Artie....
I think you will find the nib.treatments are not your trouble.I do mine 4or5 times a day.I think your trouble is some of the inhalers and the pills you are taking.but then again i'm no dr.your inhalers are a temporary fix to get the stuff out of your chest..are you on any steroids like prednisone and how much..if so that's where the sharks are coming from..I am on 20mill a day and have been as high as 75 WOW.talk about the shakes..and eat like a horse.and if you're on the prednisone you need to find a GOOD source of potassium like (coQ-10) or bananas (2or3 a day)or you will cramp up so bad I don't even know how to explain that feeling.just trying to help..find a good lung dr. he will get you straightened out...........:coffee2::coffee:...Artie