window doesnt seal with door? is it the window or the weather strip?



Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2011
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im sorry i wish i had a picture for you guys, but on my 73 duster the drivers side window wont seal. its rolled up as far as it can go and there is still about a 1/4" gap from the window to the weather stripping.

i was wondering if there is an adjustment for the window because the weatherstripping doesnt look bad.

if not then i guess its safe to assume that the weather stripping is flattened and needs to be replaced??
Never mind, i'm an idiot. Duster, full frame door, sorry for the erroneous post. In light of that, i'd check the window track. I would think that you would notice the seal flattened enough to make a .25" gap.
no no its not a full framed door. the window seals with the body of the car. whats a door reveal?
There are adjustable up stops. Tracks can be adjusted in or out at the bottom of the door too if the glass is away from the body when rolled up. I have a section from the FSM on adjusting a-body glass here. It's for a '70 but I can't imagine '73 would be different:
What 70Duster440 said. I would say that there are 2 possible options to check. Door reveals are the gap in between the body and the door, they should all be the same gap. If its off, its adjustable by loosening the bolts on the hinges and adjusting, holding and than re-tightening the bolts. Pretty sure you would have noticed a huge difference in the gaping of the door though. And I would think that the glass gap would be angled, less twords the front of the car and more twords the back if it were the door.

I'd say adjust the windows as per previous post.

But honestly with that big of a gap I would think that it would NOT be the weather strip, it would be more than noticeable at a 1/4"
alright ill try the adjustment, thanks...and yeas the door seals towards the front..its just in the top right corner there about a 1/4" gap and it maybe 5 inches long along the top of the window. ill try and get a picture of it next time im at the car
Try your front to back adjustments. A little is a lot. You should have an adjustment hole around the door latch on the door. Also on the front of the door towards the top ,covered by weather stripping. Its kind of a play with sort of thing.


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do i have to take off the door panel to adjust it? i looked at that FSM clip and its confusing me
Yes . Its a good idea to take the panel off. You can see all the adjustment points that way. Shop manuals really help, if you can get ahold of one.
Yes, take all of the interior panels off of the door, there are multiple adjustments for the glass:
height, tilt, in and out. You should be able to adjust the windows way more than 1/4 of an inch. It took me about 2 hrs to figure out all of the adjustments without the FSM, but after that the passenger side was about 30 min of adjusting. Just don't get to wild and start moving everything, start with one adjustment at a time, roll the window up and down and see what changes, you'll do fine. Remember, a little goes a long way.
Sometimes you can see where the original settings on the adjustment are by looking at the window where the nuts bolt up to it and you may see the impressions from the original points where the nuts were tightened down.(On the plastic or metal clips on the window itself) This should get you in the ballpark to adjust the window properly.
cool i gotcha, is there an easy way to take off the door panel? i havnt even looked to see if it screws or clips or a combo of both, but just so i know ahead of time so i dont snap off any hard to find clips.
There should be the funny looking clips which are attached to the panel and push in holes around the door frame. Go to an auto parts store and ask for the tool that will remove the clips safely without ripping them out of your 40 yr old door panels. It's a wide flat 2 blade fork like tool. It's cheap and worth it.