Windshield button removal?



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Ridley Park, Pa.
Has anyone successfully removed a glued on rear view mirror button from the windshield?
I've had some success with the little glue packets you can buy from NAPA. The only time I had a problem was when trying to put a newer auto dimming one with compass in my 91 W150. It would work fine until a good hot day with the windows up and it would always come off!
I've had some success with the little glue packets you can buy from NAPA. The only time I had a problem was when trying to put a newer auto dimming one with compass in my 91 W150. It would work fine until a good hot day with the windows up and it would always come off!

He is trying to get it off.
Has anyone successfully removed a glued on rear view mirror button from the windshield?
I have to ask this first .
1. is it the original button that hasn't been removed? or
2. is it any type of button that has been re glued to the windshield.
if it is
#1 and then you can gently heat it with a good heat gun from the outside and using the mirror mount pedestal that hooks over the button to "GENTLY" pry it down. no hard forcing here. test and reheat till it comes off
I worked at a Chrysler glass plant that made the windshields and we had a special tool that we used, but it was EXACTLY like the pedestal mount on the mirror. (our heat gun was a propane torch) there is an 80% chance everything will work ok for you. out of a rack of 60 windshields we'd loose 20% due to not heating it good enough. we'd have to do at least 2 or 3 racks of glass a month re button due to some idiot moving the stops. (later we found out is was a short woman that was doing it because she couldn't reach the glass and moved the locator stop so it was closer to her making it easier for her to pick it up:banghead:) heck I've seen the sun pop it off on a windshield out in a parking lot without breaking the glass.

if it's number 2 you might try acetone to dissolve some of the glue (might work but I don't know what type of glue they are using)

the original buttons were put on using the same material "Vinyl by Monsato" that goes in between the layers of glass,just cut out in the shape of the button. until the last step in the process (autoclave for heat/vacuum pressure) the buttons could be popped off easily by hand.

hope this helps ya.