Winter Car cover idea's ?

Hey Guys winter is rite around the corner =( .

Soo it sucks ,, if you do not live in FL or cali ,Winters in NewYork Just Suck.. even if you have a garage that you cant put your car in or just dont have one, i wanted too see what you guys have done to see how you guys protect'd your cars from the snow and the effects winter has on your car ,, anyone have any good covering ideas at all ?

i was gonna go get a huge tarp and drive my car on it and then wrap it like a Xmas giftt lolllll and then get like a cheap pepboys car tent? sound good ?

There are many types of breathable fabrics available. The big difference in price between the cheap covers (and tarps) and the good covers is due to the breathable fabrics. Never ever cover a car with a non-breathable cover. Condensation build-up under the cover can do lots of damage.

I have the max cover from empire its a 3 layer cover made from Tyvek developed by DuPont.

How does this sound, a empire car cover for outdoor storage, under a metal open car port (the ones with steel paneling for a roof) with class 5 gravel?

Getting the Dart painted as I type, and only have a two car garage with five cars...... Need to keep the new paint looking good for a few years at least....

This all would be next to the garage which should be fairly well protected from wind, as at least decently....