Woman beaten on bus

This makes me wish I was on the bus. Granted, they probably would have ended up putting me down since there was so many but I would have laid out a couple of them first.
what the hell is wrong with kids these days my girls will never be like that i hate to say it but its the parents fault. Im 24 now so unfortunantly i get looked at like i am a lazy piece of crap cause so many people my age are lazy pieces of crap. It crazy parents should be able to discipline their kids im not talking beat them but enough that kids realize they cant get away with crap like that by their parents or the police i know when i was that age if i would have been stupid enough to try something like that my dad would have beat my *** and i would have deserved it its just crazy
At least she did not get killed.

I can't understand why these young people have so much hate inside them. Like the 19 year old killing 8 strangers in the shopping mall.

Then you have the smart kid--who was going to be getting a great job after he got done with school, killing what 32 classmates.

Just unbelievable, something needs to change. Kids need to learn to love the world again, not hate it. When I was their age -over 20 years ago- me and my friends never even thought about hurting anybody. Sure we dislike a few teachers, cops, etc, but we never thought about hurting them. Calling people names was good enough back then.
I'll bet you won't hear about it being a hate crime. It would be if it were the other way around.
I had a similar thing happen to me and my girlfriend but one young man didn't fair so well after i got done with him... I got jumped buy three dudes at one time at the bay point bart station in the parking lot near Pittsburg Ca. two of them took off after my girlfriend knocked one to the ground with a big rock she dumped in her purse she found laying on the ground next to me and after they left it was on!!!!! i saw red i tore that dude a new one!!!!! I beat that dude till he quit movin i was so pissed and scared for my life at the same time cause i knew in the back of my mind those other two dudes might be back with more of thier friends to get me so after the alltercation i got to my 71 duster drove to my buddys house in clayton he was a concord cop at the time and stayed there till the morning then went home. This was about 2yrs ago and let me tell ya kids these day's don't care who ya are they will fight at a drop of a hat if they know they can size ya up and take a shot at ya if they can.... I was very lucky i didn't get shot or stabbed thank god someone was watching out for me that night or else i'd be dead...... :blackeye::blackeye::angel5::angel5::angel5:
Not to be racist or anything but...Is there something in african american's blood that makes them have so little patience for a bad response or a bad look? worst thing worse if a group of em don't like you, u walk right by them they will "all" pound on you like zombies hungry for brains...and im sorry to say...I mean I have many blk friends...ok I dont but stll...lol...they are stereotyped this way for some reason not just because racismn.

once when I was a little 1st grader or so...I remember I was waiting outside a class room for my bigger brother an my mother was coming to pik us up...I saw a familiar afro american kid from my class and innocenlty tried to greet him...he did not hear what exactly I said to him but for no reason got fired up...I was to scred to resay that I was only saying hi...he was allready karate kicking my stomach...man! so defensless that I was...I burt out to cry and that's when my mother walked around my crner and saw this...she cased after him...luckily the pricnipal cought him....I will never forget that blk boy's name...JEROME

brings chills.lol

and this has nothing to do with color...I've been around african ppl and they are so much friendly and u don't feel that alerness when u pass by a lot of them...but for some reason its different with fro americans...white blood and africaN blood had a bad mix reaction
Germ, I'ts not their race, or color, or blood, You seemed to have made a racist comment without being racist. I personally DO have many African American freinds and none of them have eaten my brains yet. You are talking about low life people. I'ts just that the African Americans get more media coverage than most of the other races. There are bad people everywhere.
After reading the story it was a completely avoidable situation. The woman was told twice she couldn't sit there and did it anyway? I remember as a kid you would get thumped for sitting in the last few rows. They where reserved for the older badass kids!! I see things haven't changed.I know it's terrible what happened to her and was completely undeserving but, did this woman have no street sense at all? or did her pride get the best of her?
Funny if blacks are so mean, bad, why is no mass shootings done by them ? Seems like all the school and mall shootings oh and post offices too-been awhile since 1 of those happen-are not done by a black male.

You think there has to have been 1 or 2 but I can not recall any right now.
Freakin crazy... I agree with ya dartman . color has nothing to do with it, thugs are thugs. There used to be a kid back in middle school (you know the kind with a mustache in middle school) that was just a piece of trash.. stole stuff from the neighborhood and yes would drop you rather than look at you.

It gets scary when you get a group of people attacking a single person as everything is compounded. its like a RPG gone horribly wrong.... your turn - you only get to throw one punch..... their turn - one punch PER PERSON. I don't like the odds.. :(

I have seen a group of like 5/6 people beat someone up and the worst thing to do is go down without a fight.

It seems that it doesn't matter about gender anymore. it used to be that the dudes would kick the crap out of each other, and only a cat fight once in a blue moon, but wow 3 females in on the action.
-- and I have yet to see anyone say anything about guys hitting girls... THAT was a huge no no back in the day... that would get yo shunned by even the dirtiest thugs.. ....... moment of silence for the american populous....
Funny if blacks are so mean, bad, why is no mass shootings done by them ? Seems like all the school and mall shootings oh and post offices too-been awhile since 1 of those happen-are not done by a black male.

You think there has to have been 1 or 2 but I can not recall any right now.

i agree on those shootings that the shooters were white, but here in oakland, ALL shootings are either black(90%) or hispanic(10%). gangsta thug **** is emulated as being cool, its a part of manhood to them to beat someone or shoot someone. very sad. regardless of living in the ghetto or not, i have met alot of good people of all races as well as meeting alot of shitty people.
I live by Detroit Mich, so I know all about how blacks do kill but it seems like the real nut cases, I mean like walking in a mall and just start shooting for not any reason what so ever, is mostly done by young white males.

The blacks take care of the area, somebody goes in there and starts anything, his butt is done with. Same when they rob a store, they shoot first.

Somebody should try to find out thou, why the blacks aren't as crazy as those white dudes who like do school shootings. Sure blacks have shot and kill in a school but just 1 person who they had a run in with, not just open season on everybody.

Same with people like the Un bomber, Oklahoma bombing even 9/11, you just don't hear of blacks --can I say it--killing somebody for no reason what so ever

BTW, I am a white dude, so I am not sicking up for them, I do know how mean they can be but they do seem to act diff. than other people, for good and bad.
I live around the area this happend (used t live closer but had to move out to harford co. to get away from it all) I know exactly whare this happend and in that area if you are white you have no rights and you should not evin be in that part of town. I learned a long time ago about that part of town. My wife used to live right down the street from this area and she used to get messed with all the time (by people of all race's cuz she used to wear black clothing) but she had to stop rideing the bus to school cuz if you are white you need to stand their are no seats unless you are a thug. ( just to give you a clue in that part of town they had to install drug dealer cameras on every street corner becuase of all the drug traffic in the area.)
Oh Detroit has cameras in all its fast food parking lots to stop drug dealing but they still do it.

True, Detroit is like that too, in some areas if you are white, you stick right out. They think all white people are rich or something.

That poor girl was from out of town, so she did not know where not to go. Her boyfriend should have gotten her out of there, instead of trying to get her back on the bus. Some people don't know when not to back off--not say its their fault, just when you are in a strange part of town, its better to be extra careful.
You know the saying 'spare the rod and spoil the child'. I don't think the goody goods of the world are interpreting it the right way. I wish my Dad would have got it the way they think now. But he didn't and I didn't with my kids either. And before someone says it "yes there is a difference between spanking and abuse." But I firmly beleive it makes you a better person, knowing the difference between right and wrong with some reinforcement. :violent1:
After reading the story it was a completely avoidable situation. The woman was told twice she couldn't sit there and did it anyway? I remember as a kid you would get thumped for sitting in the last few rows. They where reserved for the older badass kids!! I see things haven't changed.I know it's terrible what happened to her and was completely undeserving but, did this woman have no street sense at all? or did her pride get the best of her?
They weren't going to let her sit anywhere and did this specifically to start crap. They were not saving someone's seat, they were excuting a pre-planned attack.
I'll bet you won't hear about it being a hate crime. It would be if it were the other way around.
You know you won't. I remember several years ago a black guy in PA wigged out and shot several white people with a shotgun. He stated in his confession and in front of the media that he did it because they were white. No hate crime charge there either. I would think it would be child's play to get a moratorium on Hate Crime laws and have them thrown out. They are applied 100% to white people.
Good Morning,

I feel the need to speak out on one thing.
I think we have gotten off on an incorrect assumption here.
Returning to the bus would have been the safe thing to do.
The way I read this story she was assaulted at an intersection.
Apparently the criminals had dragged her off the bus to beat her at an intersection. The boyfriend was trying to get her back on the bus to safety. Isn’t that correct?
Rosa Parks got a seat, why shouldn't this woman?
Now that I have addressed that, you can stop reading.

Or if you would perhaps like to have some ideas challenged, read on.
Here is another misconception. Many people say a person is “racist” when in fact they mean “bigot”.
Or at least bigot is a more accurate description of the person being referred to.
It is possible to be one, both or neither. I could dislike people of a different skin color without thinking I am better than them. And many black people do dislike white people and vise versa.
(Side note: I don’t like most “black” people. But I don’t like most “white” people either)

Many people have been victims of racial hatred. So they hate back. Many people never have been treated unjustly because of their skin color and seem perfectly accepting of other races.

It seems to be human nature to dislike those that are different from one's self.
Some people say that hatred is taught. But we have all seen how children can be cruel to those that are different.
I believe there is no such thing as “race”. It is an arbitrary concept that can become meaningless very quickly. But we use it for convenience.
See this link I found for some fascinating genetic information on race.

My mother is Swedish and my father is Sudanese. What color am I?
I father a daughter by a German woman. What color is my daughter?
My daughter then has offspring by a Latino man. What color is that child?
(Latino is not a race by any definition I am aware of except political purposes)
This discussion becomes more relevant in light (Pun) of the Obama/Ophra factor
Is he “black” enough?
And they are many whities in the woodpile.
Maynard Jackson meets his great great Grandfather who was a slave owner.
Does he shake his hand or punch him?
There’s the conundrum.
We are where we are because of where we have been.

Hotel Rwanda. The Hutu and the Tutsis kill each other. But it was the evil white Europeans fault. Did you catch that in the movie?
Thugs in Africa and thugs in America.
But it’s someone else’s fault.
It seems to me that at least some of people’s behavior has to be genetic.
Now I am going to speak in generalities. The following does not apply to individuals.
And there are many exceptions within a given population.
Repeat: This is a broad brush of a group, which is a dangerous thing politically.

When the Arabs rounded up the human chattel from Africa for slaves, they didn’t get the Albert Einsteins.
They got the ones that could physically survive the horrors to come. It was a brutal life and they got the brutal people. They got the ones that were already living in the dirt, drinking blood, running around naked and breeding within the tribe. So when one looks at the resulting gene pool in this country, one can see the results here in this country.
Just like inbred white hillbillies are stereotyped for a perfectly good reason.
There must be good and bad in all.