Wow sometimes Brutal.

Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Hmmm just looking at all the cars for sale and the comments...whew really feeling the tension all the way here to hawaii. I am just thinking that cars for sale please post in cap letters that car is not numbers matching engine or body parts and if they are not sure, just say as is and if you dont know say so. Also sellers they need to get back to those who ask questions about the car. Sure I get angry at first when someone first says nice car and then tries to offer me half price... I step back and say, thanks for the offer but sorry I am not selling for that price at this time. Sure I complain under my breath when I get home,,, but it is an offer, even if it pisses you off. All right I will end it... can we be ahhh more civil? My hats off to AdamR mad monkey avatar you are one cool head dude.
I am selling a car in their...any problems with my add that you thiink I should change......