


I'm a pretty big deal
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Laquey missouri
i wrecked today i was only going 25 and i hit a slick spot i braked and got sideways hit the ditch and bent my rear axle and bent my front rim. all only going 25
I hope you are ok.....I wrecked before and told the cop i was only going 35...he said I guess you should have been going 25...what a dink
no it was in my stratus. my granpa says i was going faster than 25 but he doesnt know what happened because he wanst there he tnkins i was going 50.....on a public road with ice.....:laughing: it doenst take much to bend the cheap *** steel in a fwd car ill take pics later
One of the news channels in Atlanta was showing a Charger sliding down a iced over road when it hit the curb. You could see the back wheel bend.
Years ago I was driving my Barracuda on an icy road. I was 16, & had my mom & older sister with me. Speed limit was 30 & I was probably going about 15 coming up to a stop sign. Let off of the gas & the car spun around backwards & slid sideways into a parking area off of the left side of the road. After the car stopped I looked at my mom & said "I didn't do anything." She looked back & said "I know." No *** chewing for me, I had witnesses.

Another time my brother & I were in a $150 1960 Falcon that my dad had bought for us to drive to school, etc., he was driving about 30 down a dirt road. Came over a slight rise in the road & there was mud on the other side. My brother had time to say "Look out." & then we slid into the ditch on the left side. Had to call my dad to come with a chain & pull the car out. He didn't want to believe us when we said we weren't speeding or anything. No witnesses. *** chewing that time.

Glad to see you're okay. Your *** will heal. :thumrigh:
Last winter I left a stoplight making a left turn and hit some ice. Slid in to curb and cracked the rim. Definitely not going that fast. It happens.