
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, civilian deaths is never a good thing and is a uncontrolable circumstance a majority of the time during war, but at the end of the day whether she likes it or not the reality is we will always need troops, that unfortunately is type of world we live in, no greater example of this being WW2. If the outcome had been any different, I'd be typing this to you in German.
wow. im sure there are more worthless pieces of **** just like her....t.hat ***** will get hers....i am very sensitive to this kind of thing, as i also have served in the active duty army from 05-09...shes lucky she lives far away from me....:) id make that bitches life a living hell....
After spending over half of the last 9yrs in the middle east, I would love to get into a discussion with that woman. I'm not sure where the hell she is getting her facts from, but she is apparently not getting them from a reputable source.

"90% of the peole that we shoot are innocent bystanders" really? How do you know that? for the first 3yrs in Iraq very little records were kept on who was shot, why, and where. The "incident reports", in quotes because they were either hand written, not written, or skeletal at best, tended to disappear while their information was turned into statistical data. ALSO, the individuals who would have access to that data have security clearances so high they would get hung for releasing information like that. There has been information leaks, 2 serious ones that I can think of in the last 3-4years, both of which were caught and neither of which was able to release enough information to make a statistic like that out of it.

"to chop off heads and get away with it"
"badge of honor for stabbing someone to death who was doing nothing"

In what world does this ***** live in? She knows nothing but wants to come across like she does.

"who join an organization that has killed over a million innocent people" where did this one come from?? what they don't wear a uniform so they must be "innocent"?!

"51% of my taxes go to fun this genocide" apparently she also doesn't use a dictionary. ***** with the firepower we've got if it were a genocide there would be no one left to spend billions rebuilding their **** hole of a country for.

So somehow she is under the impression that testimony from isolated incidents is enough to damn the entire armed forces. Wow talk about screwed up thinking....if it were the entire armed forces doing this "genocide" ***** no one would know about it, and ex-troops wouldn't be sitting in prison right now for crossing a line.

This is what happens when you don't know how to educate yourself ladies and gentleman.

Heres an ACTUAL statistic for you

Ratings: 1280 Comments: 38,059 Favorites: 364
Likes: 345
Dislikes: 935

26.9% made up mostly of Americans(also a FACT taken from the map showing the location of all the viewers of this video) bought this "womans" lack of facts, total ignorance, and mumble jumbo and applauded her for it.

This ladies and gentlemen is why on paper democracy doesn't work. There is too high of a ratio of MORONS, FLAUNTED IGNORANCE and SHEEP.
I couldnt even finish watching this. It makes me sick to hear people say things like this. Someone tell me where do we draw the line between freedom of speech and sedetion namely the espionage act of 1917

To "utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the Constitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States, or the flag … or the uniform of the Army or Navy of the United States, or any language intended to bring the form of government … or the Constitution … or the military or naval forces … or the flag … of the United States into contempt, scorn, contumely, or disrepute
She just don't get it. If she were in some of the "other" places on this Earth, she would be shot for what she put on the net. She just don't realize the freedoms she has. I would like to give her a bumper sticker, My 75 Power Wagon drove right up her damn a$$.
But hey thats my right to say what I want too.
She doing exactly what she wanted... which was getting attention. Very sad fact of life today is there are more and more "Americans" that are similar to her. The chapel on base had to cover up there cross unless religious services were being conducted because it was offensive to someone.. WTF are these people thinking? It's a church! Of course there are crosses up, why would you go there and think other wise.
Kinda like it's not politically correct to say Merry Christmas or Christmas tree.. not it's Happy Holidays and a Holiday Tree.

God Bless the USA, I'll continue serving like I have been for the past 13 yrs for EVERY single US citizen.. WHY? Because that is what I signed up for.. To server and protect!
She sounds like one of those Westboro Baptist Church wacko's that protest at fallen soldiers funeral's.
She doing exactly what she wanted... which was getting attention. Very sad fact of life today is there are more and more "Americans" that are similar to her. The chapel on base had to cover up there cross unless religious services were being conducted because it was offensive to someone.. WTF are these people thinking? It's a church! Of course there are crosses up, why would you go there and think other wise.
Kinda like it's not politically correct to say Merry Christmas or Christmas tree.. not it's Happy Holidays and a Holiday Tree.

God Bless the USA, I'll continue serving like I have been for the past 13 yrs for EVERY single US citizen.. WHY? Because that is what I signed up for.. To server and protect!

Thank You Jason.