Wuld u by a car frum sum 1 hoo cante spel?

There is a few folks on here that can not spell worth a dam...and have no clue about grammar....does not stop anybody from conversing with them or dealing with them as far as I know....
My brother in law is one of those guys that can do most anything. Plumbing, electrical, automotive, construction, etc, etc. The guy's a multi-talented dude. Can't spell worth a hoot either. I wish I could trade with him. I was a spelling champion in junior high (Lol)! But I mostly suck in comparison to what he can do. Yep, I'd trade.

I've never thought any less of him, in fact, I admire him more because of it.
I drive the people I text with nuts in that my texts are all spelled out with punctuation. Text speak is the bastardization of the English language gone to extremes.

Speaking of your pet peeve of "Z's," remember when grade school teachers - primarily those in charge of teaching the kids how to initially read and write - were having a fit about Toy's R Us and the backwards "R?"

Please Robert, don't remind me of the Toys R Us era!! Being named "Geoffrey", you can imagine that I heard a lot of references to a certain giraffe with the same name!! Maybe that's why I don't like backwards letters!!! LOL...oops, that one slipped!! Geof
To all those that took this thread waaaay too seriously,my apologies,really not out to belittle anyone.
Yes,I have met some great people whose strengths are not spelling and grammer,but would put the average college graduate to shame on many other levels of intelligence.

Guess I have been reading too many Craigslist ads lately,trying to weed out BS on that site tends to leave you a little jaded after a while.

As for the 3/4 cam issue,cool,I learned a little something,but the point was more about generic descriptions that don't really tell you anything.
To all those thatook this waaaay too seriously,my apologies,really not out to belittle anyone.
Yes,I have met some great people whose strengths are not spelling and grammer,but would put the average college graduate to shame on many other levels of intelligence.

Guess I have been reading too many Craigslist ads lately,trying to weed out BS on that site tends to leave you a little jaded after a while.

As for the 3/4 cam issue,cool,I learned a little something,but the point was more about generic descriptions that don't really tell you anything.

Lol, What is a thatook?

Years ago I knew of a carpenter that was 100% illiterate. Send him into the store to get a 12 pack of beer, the brand he had been drinking for 20 years and he would have to ask someone to help him find it. Best carpenter I have ever seen........
I have disgraphia, (means "can't write") on paper I look illiterate, however that is far from the case. I have worked long and hard to get better but still can't write cursive. Minor spelling issues don't bother me but when it looks like they aren't trying it bugs me. I do take advantage of spell check.

I don't see how a person's inability to spell makes then unscrupulous. Also, I don't see how making a thread making fun of them about it is productive. We are all ignorant about something, so to that end I show you this.


Obviously, you never heard about a man named Ed Winfield, or you would have never referred to the 3/4 cam in a joking manner. It was a real grind. There was 1/2 race cam and a full race cam. Ed Winfield saw the need for something in between and the 3/4 race cam was born. When parts men actually knew what they were doing and used books, there were 3/4 grinds in every manufacturers camshaft catalog. Every maker had their own version. I even had a Crower camshaft box for years that had "3/4 Grind" printed right on the end. It eventually fell apart.

I wouldn't go as far as callin you a grammar Nazi, but it wouldn't kill you to lighten up some.
Minor spelling issues don't bother me but when it looks like they aren't trying it bugs me.

I agree. It's been a LONG time since I was in school so my grammar, punctuation, and spelling aren't as good as they should be. However, I preview almost every one of my posts, and make corrections to any errors I can find. To me, it's a matter of 'personal pride'. I try to present myself as best I know how and try to be the best example I can be to others. And when posting, I try to be as legible as possible so others won't be wondering what I am trying to say.

My main gripe with many ads is that the entire ad is one long 'sentence'. Here's a thought, begin the first word in each sentence with a capital letter. Finish the sentence with a period. If it's a really long ad, hit the return key a couple of time once it awhile to create paragraphs. Do those few things and I'll be able to understand the ad even if you can't spell.

To any inclined;

Don't act like you wouldn't.

Because every single person here would purchase a car from a block of wood, if the price and car were right.

Cash is king.

Does grammar help sell? It can justify a chunk, yeah. If you know what you've got and can communicate it to others, you will fare better.

On the flip side of the coin, if you were purchasing from someone who couldn't communicate what they had, very well, it will come down to how well you know what you're looking at to purchase.

In that case, you could walk away with something that nobody knew was worth a few extra... So you tell me who's the lesser intelligent as a purchaser. The one willing to deal or the one who won't give it the time of day?
Same way Macon became "Mac Town" and that's actually harder to say than Macon.

They are confusing "slang" with "abbreviation". I see that all the time in the construction industry.

What really becomes a problem for me is people who can't do simple math, especially in a trade that requires good math skills and an ability to read a tape measure accurately down to the 16th. of a inch.
I used to give perspective a quiz before hiring them. about 1/3 of that quiz involved simple math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division od whole numbers, fractions, mixed fractions, and decimals), and both reading a tape measure, and using a tape measure or rule to lay our a simple 2 dimensional pattern on paper to specific measurements.

You'd be surprised how many people get through HS without being able to do those simple math functions.
They are confusing "slang" with "abbreviation". I see that all the time in the construction industry.

What really becomes a problem for me is people who can't do simple math, especially in a trade that requires good math skills and an ability to read a tape measure accurately down to the 16th. of a inch.
I used to give perspective a quiz before hiring them. about 1/3 of that quiz involved simple math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division od whole numbers, fractions, mixed fractions, and decimals), and both reading a tape measure, and using a tape measure or rule to lay our a simple 2 dimensional pattern on paper to specific measurements.

You'd be surprised how many people get through HS without being able to do those simple math functions.

This is gonna sound stupid, but I am the WORST with a tape measure. I can read one, but I have to stare at it. Now, a MICROMETER on the other hand, I can pop off the measurement in a glance. I know. It's the same thing just in a different package. Go figure. lol
This is gonna sound stupid, but I am the WORST with a tape measure. I can read one, but I have to stare at it. Now, a MICROMETER on the other hand, I can pop off the measurement in a glance. I know. It's the same thing just in a different package. Go figure. lol

You're right. lol
I agree with DaveBonds.

How much smarter does it make YOU, to purchase a valuable item the seller doesn't know is valuable. and consequently, isn't asking top dollar for?

One of my peeves in CL ads is-

"Must sell by this weekend- $15,000 FIRM"

...and on 3/4 cams- I knew there was a reason behind the generic term, but it's a bit odd that that 1/2 century old term is still being used, especially by people who weren't even born then (and how do they know if it's a 1/2 race or 3/4 race, anyway).