Last one to post in this thread wins!

We’ll tank god another day done ,timing chains and guides on a 5.4l Ford F-150 half to pull the oil pan tomorrow never seen guides that bad half of them in the pan ,I can’t in good Conscience leave that stuff in there an extra 3 hours on top of an already busy schedule, and it’s hot so I’m grumpy. Did I mention FORDS SUCK I’d walk before I’d own one . I know some of you guys do I won’t hold that against you :)
Driver Returns On Foot... Ford spelled backwards. I agree with you Biff, never was a Ford fan.
Been raining most of the night and will be most of the day and tomorrow as well. At least it's cooling down. We need the rain also, everything is so dry.
Happy Hump Day fellas
My daughter does all kinds of crafts. She has a Cri-Cut and can make anything with it. She has made me all kinds of T shirt with different saying on it.
This is something new she has made. These ones are for campers etc. but can put anything on it. Has a multi-coloured LED lamp inside. I think there are pretty neat.
My daughter does all kinds of crafts. She has a Cri-Cut and can make anything with it. She has made me all kinds of T shirt with different saying on it.
This is something new she has made. These ones are for campers etc. but can put anything on it. Has a multi-coloured LED lamp inside. I think there are pretty neat.
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Those are cool.
How you feeling today Mark?
Not worth a dam thanks Fred. Still have no get up and go. Still have the darting pain in the side if I cough or move the wrong way. Maybe because of the muscle spasms I get at night I'm not getting a good sleep waking up 2-3 times a night hence the no energy.
My dr tried to call me yesterday but our phone was busy. He's on his holidays and even still tried to call me. He's a great guy and very dedicated to his patients.
I did walk around the block and that was all I could do. Thanks for asking
Not worth a dam thanks Fred. Still have no get up and go. Still have the darting pain in the side if I cough or move the wrong way. Maybe because of the muscle spasms I get at night I'm not getting a good sleep waking up 2-3 times a night hence the no energy.
My dr tried to call me yesterday but our phone was busy. He's on his holidays and even still tried to call me. He's a great guy and very dedicated to his patients.
I did walk around the block and that was all I could do. Thanks for asking
Hope it ends soon and you get back to normal again.