Of all the nasty things I've done in my life...



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
...this one ranks pretty high

We moved into a new house last week and it has a pond in the back

Well, when we first went to look at thouse, back in December (may have even been november) I noticed a doe had wondered into the pond and presumably drowned there
The head and half her side were above water, the rest was submerged
Each time we went back to loom at the house more of the skeleton was showing (one day I could tell her last meal had been corn)
On the exposed end that is, it looks like all the hide underwater was still attached...loosely

Well, today was the day I took her out of the pond
I hooked the end of a ratchet strap to one of the exposed ribs and tried pulling her out
I broke 3 of her ribs before moving her a foot
(I don't think I need to tell you how bits of hide and internals get shot towards you when one of those ribs breaks)
I was pretty surprised to see how much blood still gushed out of her as she came out the pond

I finally got her out far enough where I could wrap a chain around her neck and drag her off

The stench was unbearable...and I don't think I will be going out there to get that chain back any time soon
yea, sounds pretty nasty.

When I moved to Colorado, I was on a farm and I learn early how to deal with some nasty $&it!!

I have had to kill raccoons which is so nasty, remove dead snakes, and get rid of other misc. carcasses.

If you are going to ranch, then you just have to get in there and do it. You sound like you might be suited for the wild west after all :poke:
I know I got a "cowboy hat" kicking around here somewhere
(NOT the cool white hat special style either, but the kind you buy at the zoo, simply to keep your balding head from burning)
Hey RainyDay, it's not the raccoons that are nasty, it's the possums. They are GIANT ZOMBIE RATS. And they smell rank, even when still wandering about eating braiiiiinssSss...
That is pretty nasty. I am a caretaker of a privite island in northern Ontario and have had to remove carcasses from under docks in the water, never fun.
One time a porcupine crawled under the kitchen building and died, the building is so low to the ground you have to crawl between the floor joists to get in there. Of course no one was there for a few days so I did not know it was there till I went to put food away for the boss and his family arivale. I opened the door and the stench was unreal, had been 85 deg all that week.
My stomach was empty buy the time I got that out.
Thats a Tilly lol
I know I got a "cowboy hat" kicking around here somewhere
(NOT the cool white hat special style either, but the kind you buy at the zoo, simply to keep your balding head from burning)

I remember as a young kid visiting my Grampa(RIP) amd Gramma ( 95 this year) on the farm. A dead cow bloated up like Rosanne Barr. Grampa had to bury it. Out came the chain and tractor. What a stench and sight dragging it tonits grave. I loved the farm though. Miss it.
I worked at a wastewater plant. One od the worst things....a hairball again about the size of Rosanne lol
<< shiver >> ... and here I thought I had a dirty job.

Positive as always lol, best of luck and congratulations on the new house! :D
Have fixed more then one deer hit with bits and pieces, half a leg wedged in a car, here and there over the years. The smell of death......
This is some tasty stuff posted here.
Country folks are some of the toughest, independant, greatest people on this earth.
<< shiver >> ... and here I thought I had a dirty job.

Positive as always lol, best of luck and congratulations on the new house! :D


you know, i was just thinking of you last night
with the move, my son upgraded to a full size bed and i got rid of the loft bed he had before (which was really cool, it had a slide)
the girl i gave it too mentioned her brother does powdercoating and she is gonna see if he can powdercoat the entire thing
(talking about a twin size bed)

i thought to myself, i wonder i Leanne ever did something like that
This is some tasty stuff posted here.
Country folks are some of the toughest, independant, greatest people on this earth.
Thank you. Some days it is tough living in the country. The worst for me was when I was 9 and my dogg was hit by a car. His inners were on his outers and he was trying to stand up. Dad had to finish him to stop his suffering. Probably the worst was helping deliver a breech calf at about 10 years old.
carcasses? possum, coyotes, and occasional buzzard, even Bald Eagles! living in the country gives us an occasional taste of what our forefathers ndured on a daily basis, but just slightly I figure!! every kid should be raised in the country, and not with mom trying to guide him/her toward the "priveledged" (spelling? ha) modern era of youth today! ha
Living in the country does give kids a different perspective but, my boy could not move to the city fast enough. He loves to visit but says he will never move back.
I had to remove a dead puppy from a large fern outside our front door. She wandered in and her collar got her stuck and she died....then she started to stink. By the time I got her out she was the size of a basketball with only her collar intact. Saddest part was handing the collar to my neighbor who thought she had ran away. A big rat dies under my house, that was gross. Crawled all the way in and tossed it in a bag real fast. My boy them pulled the bag out by a line I had tied to it. It was still moving, but it was dead for a WHILE.....:-&
I was crawling a house to fix a phone line and it was pretty musty and muddy down there (in the middle of the foundation?) so I had my tyvec suit on. On the way out I noticed a lot of little white blobs in the mud. Well, looking up I saw a broken 3" sewer line that was 2 feet from a toilet flange. Those were not white mounds, they were toilet paper wads...and that wasn't mud from the rain...I hurled right there, took the suit off and threw it in her trash and drove 20 miles straight home in my work truck to take a shower.
Living in the country does give kids a different perspective but, my boy could not move to the city fast enough. He loves to visit but says he will never move back.

i grew up more country then city and wouldnt trade it for the world
(nothing like trying to jump a creek on a BMX bike, or "smoking" reeds you picked by the river, or building fires out by the woods)

i remember for several of my birthday parties we loaded up the car with little buddies and going to...the woods
we had a blast

thats what i want for my kids
My grossest thing involved an animal, but it wasn't dead but what they leave behind..... Playing red light/ green light once as a kid. When I had to stop I slid........into a pile of dog dooo dooo. All down the side of me and my clothes..... LOL Not gross but funny as all get out. Who here has ever been hit in the head with a pizza, crust and sauce only, no other toppings. Was at a concert at Soldiers Field in Chicago in either 1977 or 1978. Main floor in general admission. Standing up to see better while people behind yelling sit down. I WAS sitting down and when I was hit. Good thing is I had very short hair so once the sun dried out the tomato sauce I just rubbed my head and it all was gone.
i stopped by there today
i think its pretty obvious...i wasnt lying about the corn

(and i dont think ill be getting that chain back anytime soon)

why are you wasting the meat left on the hindquarter, that has to be tasty.