Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning gents, got a little rain here this morning. Shop is looking good there Mike.
Thank you Jaws, moving forward for sure :thumbsup: Here on the hill today it will be sunny and the high of 60, my son and his crew are doing a siding job :(
Waiting is something I have practice in, never gets easier :realcrazy: but I am on hold this day :eek:
Thank you Jaws, moving forward for sure :thumbsup: Here on the hill today it will be sunny and the high of 60, my son and his crew are doing a siding job :(
Waiting is something I have practice in, never gets easier :realcrazy: but I am on hold this day :eek:
Happy for you Mikey. Gonna be a great shop to hang out in with the boys.
So party at Mike's badass shop?
Bring it men !!
Have y'all met Vic (Victoria) Who knows what show she is on ? RRR said naming my car a guys name was gay so I took care of that real quick this morning

purdy good, looking forward to a long weekend. Going to my son's place in western PA for Turkey day.
Just saw my daughter Sunday...
Sounds like good times. My daughter is hosting Thanksgiving Dinner at her home, with most of our family. I haven't seen my granddaughter in a few months.
Sounds like good times. My daughter is hosting Thanksgiving Dinner at her home, with most of our family. I haven't seen my granddaughter in a few months.
Got back in town for some good American food. Welcome back to the hood!
Yup, First western food I have eaten in a month, this morning.

It is surprising the reverse-culture shock you get when you come back from a place you like. I remember coming home and staring at a piece of toast, and thinking, the toast in Costa Rica was toasted so much more nicely!
What country are you in? CHEESEburger please. LOL
Im not a fan of cheeseburgers. Hamburgers for me. Only time i'll eat a cheeseburger is if the cheese isnt melted.
Smoking some pork shoulders for pulled pork. Helping the mother in law out a bit. All that gal does is cook.