What's This? anybody know?

Looks just like one of the long lighters i use to light my grill. Wonder if someone was peeking in there @ some point w a lighter and it broke off. Just an idea...
I've never seen a block heater that long but who knows? Maybe it's a corrosion anode like what you put inside a water heater?
That is an old one but I am older than dirt. But my right arm an right foot doesn't know it. They might get the rest of my body in trouble one day. I am having a hard time feeling the drift for the counter steer at 57. Steve
looks like some random junk someone lost in your block and said meh and left it there. As they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure, unless its actually trash.

Tin would make sense on the lighter tip theory and on the corrosion anode