


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Really do need learn how to speak it. Ernestina's dad speaks very little English. Whenever he calls Ernie just rambles in Spanish. Every now & then I hear her mention me, only because I know the word her Dad calls me. It is chalkboard, for me being covered with ink. Her Dad called a couple times today, I heard me get mentioned and then I could hear him burst out laughing. Hmmmm.....wonder what she said about me?? I really would like to talk to my father-in-law without going thru Ernie to translate. Any suggestions on an easy way to learn? I have some serious comprehension issues, which is just going to complicate this.
My son has a Mexican friend. We just use him for our spanish translations.
My son has a Mexican friend. We just use him for our spanish translations.
I have Ernie translate for me, but I would to speak to him without her. Kind of a respect thing, I guess.
my wife is white she didnt really speak much spanish but now she can converse very well with my parents. she would ask me how to say certain things and then would try to use that when we would go over to visit my parents. just practice learning what common things are called and then work your way into sentences.
Where does Ernestina's Father live?

Oh, I see where that one is going. Now now. Be nice haha.

Spanish really isn't a very hard language to learn. I've picked up a whole bunch just from working with some of the Puerto Rican students here.
He lives in Calexico, California.....Spent most of his life working in the fields in the South West...
My father in law speaks Spanglish, LOL After 10 years I can understand about 70% of what he's saying and my wife doesnt understand him half the time either. She can understand a bit of Spanish but not much.
You could try getting the Rosetta Stone program. I don't know what the cost is but it is more teaching by listening instead of intense book learning.
If you moved to Mexico I would say learn to speak it.if you live in the USA he needs to speak it or go back were he came from:protest::protest::angryfir::angryfir: and that's what I think.................Artie
If you moved to Mexico I would say learn to speak it.if you live in the USA he needs to speak it or go back were he came from:protest::protest::angryfir::angryfir: and that's what I think.................Artie
Was waiting for one of these comments........and while I agree with you to a point, the guy is in his early 70's and lived in a Hispanic community his entire life. Spent it busting his *** working in the fields. Don't see the harm in learning a second language.....By any chance do you run around with a white hood on?
I've been working around Latinos for about 5 years. It's kinda wierd how much spanish I've picked up eating lunch with my Amigos. How about asking Ernie for some assistance. The oddest thing to remember is the noun comes first, dog brown. An open mind does wonders.
If you moved to Mexico I would say learn to speak it.if you live in the USA he needs to speak it or go back were he came from:protest::protest::angryfir::angryfir: and that's what I think.................Artie

GTFO out of my country, father in law!
If you moved to Mexico I would say learn to speak it.if you live in the USA he needs to speak it or go back were he came from:protest::protest::angryfir::angryfir: and that's what I think.................Artie

Was waiting for one of these comments........and while I agree with you to a point, the guy is in his early 70's and lived in a Hispanic community his entire life. Spent it busting his *** working in the fields. Don't see the harm in learning a second language.....By any chance do you run around with a white hood on?

I am new to this site and see a lot of this :violent1: I thought it was a car site. Why can't we all just get along :disgust:
I am new to this site and see a lot of this :violent1: I thought it was a car site. Why can't we all just get along :disgust:

So far none of your mighty 4 posts have had a thing to do with cars. If this bothers you, try looking at some of the Mopar tech forums instead
I would like to see the Mods keep a close eye on this thread. It has the potential to go wrong quickly. That being said.....As a very young Child living in NYC, My life was saved by a group of Guys that only spoke Spanish. I could understand a word they said. But I knew what they were saying. They were telling me to get behind them. Another group of English speaking guys were shooting at me and now Them with Pro Quality Sling Shots. They walked straight up to they other gang and took away the sling shots. Then they safely escorted me home. That Day I realized that some of the finest people on the planet speak Spanish.
My mother's side of the family came to this land in 1585 from Spain and settled in the area we now call The Four Corners Area (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah). Spanish was the primary language until my generation was born. The secondary language was actually Navajo until the 1930s or so. My father's side of the house came here much later in the 1880s. I grew up speaking English as my only language even though my parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents spoke Spanish at gatherings.

I learned Spanish in school along with Latin and German.

Go ahead and learn Spanish. You will do well in your Father-in-Law's eyes.
Spanish is my second language, Portuguese my third. I learned both being fully immersed in the language living and working in Latin America my entire adult life. That is the easy way. If that is not an option for you, take a class at your local community college. Hang out with your wife's Spanish speaking friends and practice what you've learned. Try your skills at the local Mexican restaurant. Have a few drinks to loosen up your tongue and lower your inhibitions. Learning another language is a wonderful experience. You'll never regret the efforts you made.
I am a Canadian that has been living in the US for almost 20 years and loving it. I have almost completely lost my eh. Just trying to keep it light. This isn't the right place to debate this stuff!
Learning Spanish is difficult, especially for someone who might have little exposure to it. I took 3 years of high school Spanish, a summer immersion course, and was the only white guy on a maintenance crew in college.

Intro Spanish won't get you far unless you plan on talking to your father in law about numbers and the color of his pants. That said, you can learn. Spanish is much more efficient than English because it has rules that are consistently followed.

Verbs have six tenses: I, you (formal), you (informal), he/she/it (singular), we, and he/she/it (plural; the equivalent of "them" or "those folks"). There is another form in Spain Spanish which you don't have to worry about. Because Spanish is a latin derivative, it also is highly gendered. Everything has a gender. Masculine things are identified by "el" and feminine things "la", and end in "o" (for masculine items) and "a" for feminine items. There are some exceptions to the el/la rules, but these are few and far between.

The big thing is learning the alphabet, present tenses, and then a bunch of verbs and adjectives. Someone suggested Rosetta Stone. I've never used it, but it is highly rated. You can probably get some used books online too.

Good on you for making the effort.

And a succinct beginner sentence is "Hola, (yo) soy :your name:." Hola is hello. "Yo soy" means "I am", and soy implies the use of yo (this is how Spanish is efficient. Tenses imply certain verb forms, and subject verb agreements follow this pattern). Like I said, there are exceptions, but the patterning of the language helps beginners.

Best of luck to you.

Learning a second language is not an overnight process. I took 6 years of Spanish over 10 years ago and can only barely get by. It's one of those "use it or lose it" things. I've heard good things about the Pimmler Course (might of spelled that wrong). Good luck.

I would hate to visit another country while on vacation and be treated with the same attitude people treat non-english speaking people here.....just saying.