Never forget what happened today

As a fireman for 28 yrs. it is something I'll never forget. We had a NYFD friend that came down every year to march in the Gasparilla parade with the Tampa Fire Dept. Well he died in the North tower.
God bless the people that lost their lives that day and their families who lost their loved ones.
May we never forget
I will never forget 9/11 and pray everyday that no American ever forgets.
I was driving to work when they interupted the radio channel I was listening to and announced about a plane hitting the first tower. I immediately thought there must be overcast in NYC and a small plane hit the tower - I also remembered what I'd read some years earlier about a B-25 that hit the Empire State Building in bad weather shortly after WWII.
The second plane hit just before I got to work and I immediately knew it was a terrorist event. Then the Pentagon and Flight 93. Such a terrible day in American history - one that shall never be forgotten.

Listening to the radio on the way to work this morning and the DJ was wondering what they teach in school about it - today's 10-year olds weren't even born when 9/11 happened. Didn't have time to hear any answers.


I remember the chaos of the day all too vividly. Here's an example:

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of
Palestine has claimed responsibility for the
attacks on the World Trade Center, according
to the BBC and Abu Dhabi television.
However, DFLP sources have denied any

It is unclear who is responsible for today's
apparent terrorist attack on the World Trade
Center in New York, but it is unlikely that
Palestinian groups are involved, said an
expert on international terrorism.

"They have a lot to lose because America
would react very harshly against the
Palestinians, however it is not impossible that
a radical group was involved," said Eli
Carmon, of the Herzliya Interdisciplinary
Center's counter-terrorism department.

Two jets, one of them apparently an American
Airlines 767 hijacked from Boston, crashed
into the Twin Towers shortly before 9 am.

Carmon noted that the World Trade Center has
been targeted once before in 1993, when a
bombing killed six people and injured more
than 1,000. Carmon said that there have been
threats by unidentified Islamic groups to target
the World Trade Center again if Sheikh Omar
Abdul Rahman, the militant Egyptian cleric,
who is serving a life sentence in the US after
his conviction in a plot to bomb the United
Nations and New York landmarks, was not

He added that it is possible that terrorist
mastermind Osama Bin-Laden is also

Carmon said that the alleged terrorist attack
amounts to a "declaration of war" on the US,
and that the US will have to "react in an
extremely harsh manner."

Israel, he noted, had already envisioned the
possibility of an air attack, and shot down a
small plane that took off from Lebanon in May
after it flew menacingly into Israeli airspace.

RIP to all of the victims. To their friends and family, I hope that time has helped to soothe the wounds which will never heal.
Tonight a buddie and i will be attending reading in bucks county pa at the pond of reflection to honor those who were not only killed but those who helps clean the aftermath.Should be a touching and memorable night .
When I first saw the wreckage I thought it was a promo for a new movie. I quickly realized that it was for real. The shear brutallity of 911, still today, seems almost surreal. It has changed our world, & our feelings of safety forever.


My prayers go out to all who have died or lost friends & family on that tragic day & also all those who have died since protecting us from terrorism & tyranny.

I was in my shop prepping a 1/4 panel/bedside for paint and will never forget that morning.
Treva and I watched it on tv this morning and gave them our moment of silence.

Prayers to all that has fallen and there families, and to our troops keeping us safe today.. and to the folks that have fallen sick to receive all the medical attention they deserve for putting there self in harms way to help the people of the city God bless them all..
I was 25 and had just gotten out of the Navy about a year and a half previously. I was at work in the library of my community college putting a newspaper on the stick when someone came in and said a plane had hit the 1st tower. I, too, was thinking a small Cessna-type plane, and I also thought about the bomber that hit the Empire State Building. As I was going to class, I saw everybody in the common area glued to the big screen TV we had there. That's when I found out what was going on and how bad it was. I went to class, and when I came back an hour later I saw that the towers were gone, the Pentagon had been hit, and there was a fourth plane that was believed to be heading back to DC. While I did not personally know anybody who perished that day, they will all be in my thoughts and prayers for the rest of my days.
I think people have ceased to be pissed off about it. I think that's a bad thing. So here's some harsh reality to piss you off.

Yes, each red rectangle is where a person landed.


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If something does happen , the long arm of the United States will reach out and avenge any and all those affected . Even if our present administrator is worse than most of the scum that causes the problems to begin with . God Bless America .
We were grading a long drive for a farm, the owner came out and told us a plane had struck one of the towers. We spent the next hours in a field glued to the radio just couldn't believe it. I will never forget.

May God bless America and keep this great nation out of harms way. I, as I am sure most others get real uneasy on 9-11.

I see bumper stickers to this day that say 9-11 was an inside job, I hope I don't see any today. I normally blast my air horns at them while yelling, today, don't think I could let it slide.
I was 15 and when I saw the second building get hit, I thought for sure the end of the world was on us .......that was something I will never forget.

cant think of a more scary time.
Prayers sent out to all the families that lost a son, daughter, mother and father and may we never forget this day we lost so many folks that keep us safe.
I will never forget this day............... I was 43, and ready to pick up arms and seek out the filth of the earth that dun this .. God bless our country and and all that protect us.
I was 51 yeas old. I haven't forgotten, Doc.

I Haven't forgotten what happened one year ago on this date, either.
It is sad to see the footage on TV this morning but it makes me feel good that they have it on to remind us, the History channel has stuff today too.....when it is on its difficult to watch knowing all the loved ones lost, but at the same time I am glued to the TV and even though I have seen the footage many times, I watch it like it was the first.

I remember back on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, there was nothing on TV about it at all that day, not even the History channel, I think TMC had an old movie about it but that was it, made me very sad that so many people forgot about that significant day in history....but sadly, just like Pearl Harbor, many people will forget about 9/11/01 as well....but I never will.