Check out my new movie!!!



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
It's been under construction in my head for several months now. I'm happy to announce that my Christmas present to the customers is now finally done, uploaded and live on YouTube!!!

If you see your parts in here, give me a shout out. It's 8 minutes -- I know, an eternity in the scheme of internet surfing during Christmas week -- but I'd be honored if you cued it up. (C'mon, it's Christmas ... we both know you aren't working anyway heh hehhhhhhhhhh :-D) As always, comments are welcome and appreciated.


I love you guys and gals! Merry Christmas FABO < group hug >
Great video Leanna! Thanks for taking such good care of our Mopar parts and hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Great job!
I have just finished collecting all of the stainless window/driprail trim for the Missile, I wanted to talk to you about getting them all coated in a satin black. PM me please.
Thanks guys!!! :-D I appreciate ya'll taking a few minutes to check it out. So far the initial feedback has been AMAZING and just what I hoped for. I already wore out my Thanks buttons for the night but I'll catch up later.
Great Video

AND ...


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WOW!! The work on those parts is nothing short of amazing! Yes, I've seen your work up close, but to see the scale of your perfection is outstanding!! Those valve covers at the end are out of this world!! Definetly Sox approved!!

Merry Christmas sweetheart, to you, Billy and of course the kitties from your Michigan peeps!! Geof
WOW indeed Geof! Ya'll are awesome -- thanks for watching it and for taking a moment to say something.

Geof, if you saw those valve covers I can't believe ya missed Nella's ash tray. I had to put it in there so Sunfish can be a movie star! :-D

Thanks again everybody! All this support is overwhelming and appreciated more than you can know.