how are input shafts reconditioned?



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa FL
bought aused trans that has been sitting on the shelf for 15yrs...shaft is covered in rust...can a standard shop recon it? what all is involved in the process?
I would just use a soft wire wheel or some paper towels soaked in evaporust to clean it up. Then polish it up with fine sand paper or a 3M pad. Only thing that would be bad is if it has deep pits but just surface rust is not a problem.
wow that stuff looks amazing...gonna dip the case and tail housing...looks like a real time saver
I am fortunate enough to have a hot tank at my disposal( potassium hydroxide heated to 180°) works great for cleaning parts, just don't put aluminum in it!!
You are going to dissemble the trans before the evaporust dip, not just dip the whole trans?
I put this trans together after sitting for 20 years.

It shifted fine when done.

Evaporust s kinda expensive for dipping trans parts unless they are small. Works great though. I think I spent 12 bucks on a 16 oz bottle. Keep it covered so it doesn't evapo-rate.
You are going to dissemble the trans before the evaporust dip, not just dip the whole trans?

gonna tear it down then dip parts...might be abit pricey but thinking about buyin 5 gal splitting it btween two buckets to make dipping easier

tail shaft should fit no prob...not sure about the case.

so just how fast does it evaporate???
man i would love to use this stuff on my jeep, just don't think there would be any thing left after dipping.
okay this is a thought it is water base could you paint it on a larger parts and rise it of with a hose? or go to tractor supply and get a wash tub and fill that dip the parts then when put it back in the container that purchased it in?
okay this is a thought it is water base could you paint it on a larger parts and rise it of with a hose? or go to tractor supply and get a wash tub and fill that dip the parts then when put it back in the container that purchased it in?

from what I needs need to sit in the solution for a while...spraying or wiping it on wont work for heavily corroded parts cause it will evaporate before having a chance to work...never used...just what I've read
Put it in plastic rubber maid containers with a lid.