What's up with THAT?!!!

Wow not what I expected, but ....kids and texting this generation has no idea how to verbally communicate. They're even speaking lol, brb, ttyl....I mean WTF
I said back a few years ago when the economy was about to go into another Great Depression, that could possibly be the BEST thing that could happen to this Modern World we live in!? so many people need to get a have a clue OR/and get a grip on life?

but if that would have happened, these idiots that have no clue and run amuck, they would simple take to the street and steal whatever they need or want!? ( that's one reason us country folk are armed?).....

I need another cup of coffee, make it a double!?? LOL
What's up with that?

What's up with damn drivers not using their turn signals. I can't go around the block without someone driving me crazy. Not new but it seems to be spreading like wildfire.

What's up with that?

I actually do that fairly often but not in town. Normally when I'm on a 4, or more, lane highway and there's no one close. But it does annoy me when ppl go around the square in town and turn off and don't use their blinker because ppl trying to enter the square can't tell their turning till their really close and then it's to late to enter because they'd be pulling out right in front of the next car.
I actually do that fairly often but not in town. Normally when I'm on a 4, or more, lane highway and there's no one close. But it does annoy me when ppl go around the square in town and turn off and don't use their blinker because ppl trying to enter the square can't tell their turning till their really close and then it's to late to enter because they'd be pulling out right in front of the next car.

That's exactly "what's up with that"!!! It would help the flow of traffic in town if people would just use the lever on their steering wheel.
People, stopped in line at a red light, who leave 40 yards of space in front of them? What's with that? And when there's a left turn lane next to them, their excess space consumption keeps folks from being able to get into it or, in many cases, catch the left arrow. Its epidemic proportions since I've gotten to Albuquerque. Just f'in weird.
This has happened to me several times lately:
Walk into a fast food restaurant, approach the front counter and get the pleasure of dealing with a high school age kid taking orders who then just stares at me blankly until I finally tell the kid what I want. No "can I take your order, please?". No " how may I help you". Nothing but a blank stare with a stupid look on their face.

What the hell is up with THAT? Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Along this line, whats up with all these kids that cannot give change unless the cash register tells them how much? For example it totally screws them up when they owe you 94 cents from a purchase and you give them an extra 6 cents from your pocket to make it an even dollar! Something in our education system and parenting is out of whack!
Imagine the amount of anti depressants that would be needed if texting suddenly stopped?
Imagine the amount of anti depressants that would be needed if texting suddenly stopped?

Probably about the same amount than if this forum went down more than a day.
I'll add another goodie.

Nobody but NOBODY knows how to correctly count change back anymore. If the register could not do it for them, they would be LOST. You are supposed to COUNT CHANGE BACK from the bill that was given.

Oh and don't try giving them rounding it up to keep from getting change back. Smoke will come out of their ears.

Also EVEN AT THE BANK no one EVER gives you bills turned the same way. I have gotten bill right from the bank where every other bill is a different direction with a different side facing up.

There IS a right way to handle money.

Stupid as it sounds, doing it correctly is a lost art.
Well the non use of turn signals is standard practice around here on I95 and the Surekill Exp..
If you use them you have almost zero chance of changing lanes as people here speed up so you can't get over. It's the your not getting in front of me thinking.

It's like people who follow you around in a parking lot as you walk to your car. I actually had a guy pull down his window and ask how far away i was parked. I told him rear of the lot. Did he want to give me a ride. He got pissed and drove off.

I wasn't lying I never bother to see if there's a space up front if the lots jammed.
Who said pants on the ground?
Darwin is canceled for the day and this is what happens.
Flying along on the highway, the signs up for a mile or more that the right lane is closed.

So, you move to the left lane. Never fails that some a**hole will still be in the right hand lane right up until the cones, then try to merge over, causing everyone who's already gotten over to slam on the damned brakes to let him in.

Traffic would flow a lot better if idiots would move over once the signs appear.
Another oldie but goodie.

You do realize the entrance ramps to get on the highway are for you to get to highway speed before you actually enter the highway, right?
some people ONLY turn left, and with no signal!??

if you are pulling a trailer and running down the highway the speed limit ( or more)... why is it everyone thinks that need to pull out in front of you and then pokes!?????

or the person that loves to drive down the interstate dong just the speed limit in the LEFT lane?????

don't get me wondering about all the tattoo body art!? I can see some, but women that look like a billboard??? LOL
I'll add another goodie.

Nobody but NOBODY knows how to correctly count change back anymore. If the register could not do it for them, they would be LOST. You are supposed to COUNT CHANGE BACK from the bill that was given.

one of my favorite pass-times is to pay after we go out to dinner
ill walk up to the counter and hand them my bill
the punch it up and say "that will be $37.52" at which point I hand them my card
the slide it and say "would you like to leave a tip on the card"
to which I reply, sure, make it an even $45.00
which is usually answered with a blank stare, a 4 minute silence and a "so that's a $8.58 tip?"

yeah, close

but to add one to the list, I have a few dirtbikes on craigslist for $1500.00 each
I must have gotten about half a dozen emails saying "will you take 1000 for the 200?"

no name, no "hi, how are you?", no attempt at setting up a time for them to actually look the bike over before we even mention money and best of all, no name at the bottom of the message, for all I know the dirtbike send the email itself...whats up with that?
of course, as im typing this, I get an email from a person who is wondering if I have a phone number he can reach me at (he included his number in case I would rather call him) and he signed it with his last name

I guess there is still hope
Flying along on the highway, the signs up for a mile or more that the right lane is closed.

So, you move to the left lane. Never fails that some a**hole will still be in the right hand lane right up until the cones, then try to merge over, causing everyone who's already gotten over to slam on the damned brakes to let him in.

Traffic would flow a lot better if idiots would move over once the signs appear.

That's exactly why when there's a traffic jam caused by a lane ending and idiots driving like that I'll pull up beside a semi and stay even with him, even if traffic cones to a complete and the lane that's ending is empty in front of me.
People, stopped in line at a red light, who leave 40 yards of space in front of them? What's with that? And when there's a left turn lane next to them, their excess space consumption keeps folks from being able to get into it or, in many cases, catch the left arrow. Its epidemic proportions since I've gotten to Albuquerque. Just f'in weird.

How about when you are 3rd in the left turn lane at a light, and the a--hole in front doesn't pull up enough for you to get your nose into the intersection...

Once your nose is in the intersection, you have to complete the turn on yellow/red before the cross traffic begins. It's illegal to back up in an intersection, many people don't realize that.

So when the idiot in front doesn't pull up enough, then the proper 3 cars can't get through on the yellow. The yellow light is for the last three left turners, they paid for it with their green....

If the first guy doesn't get out enough for the rest to get their nose into the intersection, they the 2nd and 3rd guy have to wait for the next light.... :finga: :finga: :finga:
Or how about in construction when they have to close a lane, you see the signs to get over for a mile or so, but the a--holes try to ride the right lane that is closing as far as they can to cut in line in front of everyone....

If you are not paying attention and wait for the last minute to get over, I don't feel obliged so give you the right away and let you into my lane.... I'll let those guys stop and wait for another car to give them a break. How selfish to think that you can just keep driving past everyone who has paid attention and gotten over so you can jump the line. We know what you are doing, don't try to act like you weren't paying attention to the signs and at the last minute realize that you have to get over....

Not my problem, it's yours....

But if you merge early before the last minute and give a signal (and not be talking on the cell phone), then I will let you in front of me....