silly laser warning label



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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so I bought a little laser the other day and I noticed the label on it

its a bit hard to see, but it reads
laser radiation
avoid direct exposure

now, I know we're not supposed to shine people in the eyes with our little lasers but seriously...this thing in mounted under the barrel of my 9MM so I don't have to "aim"

If that little dot lands on you, radiation is the no where near as big a concern as lead poisoning in :banghead:

No worries it's just the manufacturer shedding themselves of liability

I'm sure "by now" it's federally required labeling

I can remember in the early seventies when this liability thing started to gimp off the ground, KD had a little set of 3 or 4 cold chisels. They were stamped "Do not strike with hard metal object."

I am NOT going to use a rubber / plastic / wood mallet on a cold chisel!!!
Shine that bastard in your eyes and get back with me about how stupid that warning is.
At least you still can buy these things, here in Aussie it takes over 6 months just to hopefully get a permit to purchase and that is if you are a law abiding citizen.
Of course the criminals forget to apply for the permit and get theirs straight away.
I sold off all my little gems because once you get a license you have a very strict compliance to deal with making it almost impossible to keep them, again the criminals practice using theirs on innocent un-armed people.
I miss those things - another cool toy that some kids will grow up knowing nothing about - too dangerous?? well, for a complete simpleton maybe - :wack:
hey, wanna sell 'em?
Still have a set of lawn darts in the original box somewhere around here.
At least you still can buy these things, here in Aussie it takes over 6 months just to hopefully get a permit to purchase and that is if you are a law abiding citizen.
Of course the criminals forget to apply for the permit and get theirs straight away.
I sold off all my little gems because once you get a license you have a very strict compliance to deal with making it almost impossible to keep them, again the criminals practice using theirs on innocent un-armed people.

are you referring to the little lasers or handguns?

I heard a saying on the radio yesterday, some guy quoting a bumper sticker

"if you beat your guns into plows you will end up plowing for those who don't"
I miss those things - another cool toy that some kids will grow up knowing nothing about - too dangerous?? well, for a complete simpleton maybe - :wack:
hey, wanna sell 'em?

First I'd have to prove legal ownership. Then you'd probably have to pass a background check. Then I'd have to ship them to a lawn dart dealer in your area who could legally transfer them to you after paying a transfer fee and of coarse the waiting period. But first before we start any of that I'd have to have a lawyer draft a hold harmless contract so you wont sue me or my heirs for any of your mishaps that might happen over the next oh, 100 years.
Bought a de glazing hone the other day. 90 % of the instruction sheet was safety directions. At least, now I know not to put it in my mouth or eye.
are you referring to the little lasers or handguns?

I heard a saying on the radio yesterday, some guy quoting a bumper sticker

"if you beat your guns into plows you will end up plowing for those who don't"

Unfortunately both in Australia, no autos at all for rifles or shot guns, I believe laser sights are a no no and all firearms are required to be registered including pellet guns, they need to be locked in a secure fire proof safe, seperate form amo.

The fun police have had a field day in Oz.
It's just a 9mm no big worry there. Now it was a .45 on the other hand, a laser is the least of their worries. Just sayin.
It's just a 9mm no big worry there. Now it was a .45 on the other hand, a laser is the least of their worries. Just sayin.

I don't know man
one of my coworkers has thousands upon thousands of rounds of .22s
he is always talking about how he will need them when the zombie apocalypse breaks out
one day I asked him what in the world he was thinking to accomplish shooting .22s at zombies
he only said two words:

head shots
are you referring to the little lasers or handguns?

I heard a saying on the radio yesterday, some guy quoting a bumper sticker

"if you beat your guns into plows you will end up plowing for those who don't"
Yes both, your political elite quote rubbish figures about how safe we here in Australia are now with our UN-reasonable gun laws but the fact and truth is the criminals and some with terrorist affiliations still have theirs and are using them daily on unsuspecting citizens trying to live a normal life.