Thinking of giving it up (a bit of a rant)

To the original post: it's the time of year to be discouraged. But there does come a point that if it isn't enjoyable it might be time to do something else for a while or even sell your car/project. We are all here for advice and encouragement no matter what you decide.
is the car hobby harder now or "before". before what??? lets just go back say 20 years, that is "96. the muscle car hobby had been going since mid 80's when it basically just started.

look at the amount o f restoration parts now. SOooo much more. costs???... like everything it all keeps getting higher. those companies have to make a profit or they would go into another line of work....

back then so many more salvage yards, yes .... that had SOME old mopars. most old yards have been crushed. owners retire.. die off.... old junkers lying around the countryside? so many were crushed the last few years when scrape prices got high, and the "honest" dopers ride the back roads looking for an easy buck. they talk the old retired farmer out of his free junk!

back before the "net", how did we find parts? word of mouth. travel how many miles to a mopar swap. add in newspaper before it cost $5000 to place an ad there! ads in MCG... and the Mopar camp was a lot smaller. we actually, many times helped each other. yes we sold parts for $$$$ but seemed like it was somewhat, more "parts friendly"???

remember back when Mother Mopar threw a fit because these little co. selling what few repop parts there was, used Mopar in their co. name! and Mopar claimed they could not repop fenders, quarters because it was ALL crushed when she went belly up the first time!????ha

so parts hunting? i'd say, of the remaining parts, parts cars, are in the hand of enthusiasts. finding a "car" out in the sticks in not very easy anymore, in lots of places pretty near impossible? last year I found a guy that many years back had a very small parts store out in this rural area, edge of small town. the building is always no one around never. well one sat I saw there was someone there, I stopped and meet the guy, he had good old mopar used parts that had been sitting in this building since he quit the hobby 20 years ago. yep he wanted to sell of parts. engines, suregrips, even an old challenger. NOW< the funny part is his nephew lives 2 miles down the road from me, we are friends ( supposedly). he is not into cars and i'm sure he knew his uncle's involvement in the car bobby. SOooooo, GO FIGURE!!!!!
--I'm thinking of giving it up as in throwing in the towel and selling my Duster. --
-- Don't do it. I did that a few years ago, and gave up 3 or 4 Mopars, that now are worth 2 to 3 times what I sold them for. -- And now I'm back in, by paying too much. --
My car has been finished for years. Now it's simple maintenance and up keep. It's gotten a few trophies at local car shows, I had a number of other projects and have either finished them and sold them, or made them driveable and legal, and sold them.

I have thoughts of a new project, but being retired, I'm too busy to see another project car through. In fact, the only thing that even interests me now would be to build an old truck. Pre-1950, and brand not withstanding. Dodge, Plymouth, Chevy, GMC, Ford, Stud, International, etc. are all fair game, though I know there are after market mfgrs. who make everything for a Ford or Chevy, and they will both be the easiest and least expensive to build.
But, I still have a couple of MoPar truck engines laying around. A 318 and a 383, so an old Dodge or Plymouth truck would be nice, too. That's said, I'm extremely non committal are starting anything at this stage of my life.

Dude: We are at the exact same stage with the next build. Not retired yet but will be soon. The end of my Barracuda build is in sight and I am looking for a pre-50 1/2 ton truck of any brand with patina to become my new "DesertRides" shop truck. Wouldnt mind a Mopar drivetrain so I can put some of my really expensive tuition to good use from the BC build.
I moved to another state, one year lease on a stinking apartment. Which means no garage. Sucks big time, but I will make it, I WILL get another house with a garage, and I WILL get that damn car going! Frustrated? More than I care to put in this thread. And I'm doing good with only one cuss word..... LOL
Don't give up! My 66 has parts in it from all over the US and Canada. Some were expensive, some were great deals. Unlike Camaros, Mustangs, 50's Chevys, and Impalas, I have the only 66 Valiant I've seen around here in years.
is the car hobby harder now or "before". before what???

Back when you could actually still find parts in junk yards before the gubmint made it almost impossible for junkyards to operate.

Back when you could go on the outskirts of town, drag race with no problem from cops, raise a little hell and if you did get caught all you got was a "you better get home"

Back when you could buy an intake manifold new for 75 dollars, camshafts for 45 dollars and piston sets for 100.

Back when you knew which junkyard dogs to stay away from, because ALL the junkyards allowed you on them, because there was no worry from the insurance companies.

Back when local law enforcement even blocked off roads so you could race your buddies on a weekend night.

Back when you could actually assemble a hot street engine for under a thousand dollars, parts, machine work and all.

Back before the internet when your 30 plus years of experiences weren't instantly nullified by one click of a mouse.

That's just a start.
Yeh. But it's all relative, Rob. Inflation has distorted our view. "Back when" you could build something "that cheap" I could not afford it for many years.

"Now" I've really REALLY enjoyed learning what I've learnt about such things as EFI. "Back then" you had magazines, and it turns out, "they were wrong" sometimes. In fact, some of them outright LIED.

So there's good and bad, then and now. People lied then, just like now. There were people who lied about whatever they were trynna sell ya, and there were people who lied about "what it would run" "Just like now."
you "older" guys cant live in the past.

There are a lot of people like me who were born in the mid-80s and later while you guys were getting everything dirt cheap and in abundance.

For us 80s babies and later, the way it is now is pretty much our world. I do admit that it has changed because even ten years ago when I was younger I used to see more cars than now.

This is the age of Google and if you cant find it on Google ebay, fabo or amazon ....there is a good chance it doesn't exist.

It comes down to how bad you want it. I probably overpay for parts and cars but once its done its done. We are in the days of only a privileged few have muscle cars and relics from days long gone.

These old cars are well worth the money, how ever much the going market is for them ....they will never be made again and everyday one more is getting parted out and scrapped.

No one ever said "me and a particular dollar bill go way back, it was in my pocket when I had so many good times" most items in our lives don't matter and can be replaced. A car is not "just an item" people have memories with them and good and bad times and actually hurt over missed cars. So tell me how much that is all worth dollar-wise?!?!?!

we are all getting off cheap with sites like FABO and ebay in the current day.
Pretty much your world?

I think maybe you need to rethink some of that. Wait ten or 15 years and see if you don't reflect back on when things were simpler. I bet you do.

How bout lettin some of us old farts reminisce about whatever the hell we want to? I don't see where it's hurtin you at all.

Your world? That's a pretty damned arrogant statement if ever I read one. This would be a completely different country were it not for generations before you. Maybe you should think about that.

you "older" guys cant live in the past.

There are a lot of people like me who were born in the mid-80s and later while you guys were getting everything dirt cheap and in abundance.

For us 80s babies and later, the way it is now is pretty much our world. I do admit that it has changed because even ten years ago when I was younger I used to see more cars than now.

This is the age of Google and if you cant find it on Google ebay, fabo or amazon ....there is a good chance it doesn't exist.

It comes down to how bad you want it. I probably overpay for parts and cars but once its done its done. We are in the days of only a privileged few have muscle cars and relics from days long gone.

These old cars are well worth the money, how ever much the going market is for them ....they will never be made again and everyday one more is getting parted out and scrapped.

No one ever said "me and a particular dollar bill go way back, it was in my pocket when I had so many good times" most items in our lives don't matter and can be replaced. A car is not "just an item" people have memories with them and good and bad times and actually hurt over missed cars. So tell me how much that is all worth dollar-wise?!?!?!

we are all getting off cheap with sites like FABO and ebay in the current day.
Yeh. But it's all relative, Rob. Inflation has distorted our view. "Back when" you could build something "that cheap" I could not afford it for many years.

"Now" I've really REALLY enjoyed learning what I've learnt about such things as EFI. "Back then" you had magazines, and it turns out, "they were wrong" sometimes. In fact, some of them outright LIED.

So there's good and bad, then and now. People lied then, just like now. There were people who lied about whatever they were trynna sell ya, and there were people who lied about "what it would run" "Just like now."

I was trying to focus on the good things we can no longer do. The bad stuff will always be there.
Pretty much your world?

I think maybe you need to rethink some of that. Wait ten or 15 years and see if you don't reflect back on when things were simpler. I bet you do.

How bout lettin some of us old farts reminisce about whatever the hell we want to? I don't see where it's hurtin you at all.

Your world? That's a pretty damned arrogant statement if ever I read one. This would be a completely different country were it not for generations before you. Maybe you should think about that.

you took it completely wrong and its because I didn't word it completely right.

the way the price market of the car "world" today is the only world us younger generation know ....thus meaning "its our world" (everyone, old and young) the way the price market is now

Not meaning the world is literally belonging to the younger generations...that's crazy.

what we see on ebay and on fabo is the only car "world" we know as the younger generation because we didn't have the fortune of being here when these cars were new ......that is "your world" as you knew it as the older generations.

old guys can reminisce anytime and its encouraged ....but there is a huge difference between reminiscing like Mr. Del does which is quite enjoyable and just whining about the current "world" being different which is senseless.

you are right about being able to reflect and I do .....back in 2004 there used to be a guy down the road with a bunch of gen 3 chargers and it was so cool, no ****. But its all gone now sadly happens. I had no idea what I was looking at back then because I was barely out of high school and everyday was something new but if I knew what I know now ..........yea it would have been cool.

thing of it is, a mopar isn't really that expensive to build now a days but if you are living in the past then it is too much.

in the old days people didn't buy new cars for 60-80 k like nothing (hellcats and whatever) they do now. So relatively speaking .......putting 20-30k into a mopar over say a five year period is not unreasonable. In the old days 20-30 k could buy you a nice house but its not the "old days" now.
There you go. Sell it. Then you can kick yourself in the *** for the rest of your life like everyone else that got rid of something. I didn't know you were still on the board. I'm right down the road. I got lots of resources as well as moral support. And there's nothing wrong with an 8-1/4.
I sold the 66 belvedere and 70 duster cause I had perfectitus. They needed this and they needed that. I had lots of time to reflect on memories while driving over the road in the semi. Things I learned.
1. All my hotrods we really wore out hand me downs.
2. floor mats were for covering holes in the floor.
3. Cars came in two colors black or grey primer (backyard picasso style)
4. Half the parts came off other junk **** at the salvage yard. (Some on weekends and nights)
5. shag carpeting was a option in most mopars I owned.
6. Correct was what fit and worked not what some idiot deemed contours correct
7. Earl scheib paint job was a dream.
What I am telling you is bolt the damn thing together and drive it ! fast or slow painted or not cars suck as yard/garage art. It was nice in Topeka friday and I drove the valiant all over town with the windows rolled down having a blast. I got out on the highway and rolled up to about 70mph. Yep passenger floor mat blew up revealing the header and highway. I laughed made a note to fix it someday and smiled. cars are to be drove and enjoyed.
Back when you could actually still find parts in junk yards before the gubmint made it almost impossible for junkyards to operate.

Back when you could go on the outskirts of town, drag race with no problem from cops, raise a little hell and if you did get caught all you got was a "you better get home"

Back when you could buy an intake manifold new for 75 dollars, camshafts for 45 dollars and piston sets for 100.

Back when you knew which junkyard dogs to stay away from, because ALL the junkyards allowed you on them, because there was no worry from the insurance companies.

Back when local law enforcement even blocked off roads so you could race your buddies on a weekend night.

Back when you could actually assemble a hot street engine for under a thousand dollars, parts, machine work and all.

Back before the internet when your 30 plus years of experiences weren't instantly nullified by one click of a mouse.

That's just a start.

ALL SO TRUE< Rob, aka RRR!!

we, the older generation (baby boomers are we????) , we know that from being there.w e have those memories, and memories are what lives are basically made of. a very few people still own that car from their youth. like Rainey says, her generation missed out on that, BUT.g
those prices Rob mentions sounds cheap, BUT remember back then a gallon, of gas was 29 cents, unless a "price war" between stations,, then it was more like 19 cents! a brand new '69 roadrunner, $2900 plus a few pennies. I remember a neighbor bought a brand new '66 1/2 ton chevy pickup bare model, was like $2200, that is NEW! loaf of bread in '66 was what 19 cents! I worked after school in the mid 60's at the A and P grocery for $1.15/hr. ( good wages)... not enough for me to buy a "fast" car, even of dad would have let me have it!

news said other day inflation for the last 12 years adds up to 30%. life is hard! my income has not increased 30 % in last 12 years, maybe 5%. if that.

having lived back then and now, you baby boomers, WHAT is YOUR opinion of those times??? I say life was BETTER in general!!!! If not in Nam! maybe a spinoff thread, not trying to hi jack this.

anyway, all us OLD and YOUNGER guys both, that have sold off a beloved Mopar before, how many of us KNOW it actually turned out to be a mistake!!!!! I for one!!
many reasons to sell that old car, many are valid, but it usually turns out if we sucked it UP! life would have worked out and we would still have that car!!

getting a case of the FUNK! is not fun, but it can be overcome!!!!!!!!
you "older" guys cant live in the past.

I miss going to Pull A Part and finding A bodies like I did 15 years ago.
I stocked up on replacement doors, fenders, instrument clusters, small parts, etc.
I even got spare deck lids and hoods.
So I don't need to go now.
Which is fine because I've got no time for junk yards and some Bs to do now.
I remember someone was routinely going around and destroying Dart/Duster dashes to get to the door hinges.
To make money on them, I suppose.
Rip and tear and ruin it for the next person. Seemed like an A hole thing to do, to me.
I think the OP can find what he needs if he uses the internet. It may cost, but it's out there.
Not as easy as a Mustang. Or cheap probably.

The point of my previous post was that there are times I also would like to get rid of everything and say to hell with it. But this is about the only thing, (the car) on my bucket list and by God, I will do it! In other words, I ain't selling it.
you "older" guys cant live in the past.

This is the age of Google and if you cant find it on Google ebay, fabo or amazon ....there is a good chance it doesn't exist.

Not entirely true. There are overgrown junkyards out there that have great stuff in them. Cruise country roads and ask. They are there.
Thats why this sits in the garage and i,m always in my Challenger srt


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I think the one thing that most people lack in this day and age is patience! So what if you don't get your car running and driving in 2 years, or 5, or 7!!! The journey should be just as enjoyable as the destination! I personally love to hunt down parts, and just went to a new junkyard yesterday full of Mopars, yes, Dusters included!! And, in talking with the owner, my friend who told me about the yard, and here on FABO, I know of a bunch of other yards now that I need to visit!! Stuff is out there, you just gotta be patient and be in it for the long haul!!
Junkyard Duster content, in Michigan no less!!!


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One more!! I think there's 7 Dusters there!!


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