Censorship rears it ugly head again!



Legendary Member
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
Well I wanted to post in the "Comments on sale ads" forum, but it vanished into thin air!
So I'll post my thoughts here. Well I hope, unless it vanishes into thin air also!

I know this suggestion won't be popular, but , Why not only allow Gold Members to post in the classifieds? Make the people that want to use this forum for free, at least pay by being a Gold Member? I know I have made much more money than the Gold membership cost! Look at the cost of the alternative? Try selling a A-body rear on Ebay. Insertion fees, final valuation fees, postage handling fees, Pay Pal fees! That $1000.00 rear will cost about $145.00 to sell. That is just one item!
You have to follow the rule because that's what a rule requires. :D
I don't particularly agree with it either, but that doesn't mean it's going to change.
Mike has to enforce it because it's a forum rule set by Joey obviously, so he can't be open for discussion of it and that is probably why your post got killed.
Mine probably did as well. :D
Rules were made to be changed from time to time. You first have to start a conversation with a mod who then talks it over with the boss! When you have problem at work or in the political system, you go up the chain of command, right?
You have to follow the rule because that's what a rule requires. :D
I don't particularly agree with it either, but that doesn't mean it's going to change.
Mike has to enforce it because it's a forum rule set by Joey obviously, so he can't be open for discussion of it and that is probably why your post got killed.
Mine probably did as well. :D
The whole thread is gone! Not just ours.
Rules were made to be changed from time to time. You first have to start a conversation with a mod who then talks it over with the boss! When you have problem at work or in the political system, you go up the chain of command, right?

See how that worked for ya?

I'm just kidding Roy, as you are totally correct.
Maybe Mike couldn't do anything about it right now and decided to kill that can of worms for the moment.
It is a weekday, and he has a regular job also, right?
Oh I understand, and it is a rule that I can live with. Not that big a deal. But when you can't even talk about it, or discuss a subject? Yeah that is aggravating.
Oh I understand, and it is a rule that I can live with. Not that big a deal. But when you can't even talk about it, or discuss a subject? Yeah that is aggravating.

He was already late for work, and couldn't is all.
I'm sure it can be brought up at a different time.
If I could comment on that idea I would like to. Even though I'm not a gold member, I agree with you. There aren't many parts that I sell though throughout the year in fact I don't think I have sold anything in a year or so, as I am mostly looking for parts for my car, but I think it's too easy for non-members to come on the site become a member and quickly post parts for sale when they don't really belong, if that makes sense. If I were to buy something from here I would like to buy it from a number that has been here for a while that I trust. It is too easy for some new guy, a flipper or mad parts seller, to come on here and sell stuff. Perhaps the only people that should be allowed to sell stuff or people that have been on here for at least a year and are paid into it somehow. Maybe there should be a different membership price for those who sell let's say under 10 items per year, as opposed to those who sell more. I also don't agree with the way some gold members bump their ads and don't lower the price of their product. If you look at their ad for sale there might be 3 pages of replies and all of them are bumps.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents for now. You all have a good day.
If I could comment on that idea I would like to. Even though I'm not a gold member, I agree with you. There aren't many parts that I sell though throughout the year in fact I don't think I have sold anything in a year or so, as I am mostly looking for parts for my car, but I think it's too easy for non-members to come on the site become a member and quickly post parts for sale when they don't really belong, if that makes sense. If I were to buy something from here I would like to buy it from a number that has been here for a while that I trust. It is too easy for some new guy, a flipper or mad parts seller, to come on here and sell stuff. Perhaps the only people that should be allowed to sell stuff or people that have been on here for at least a year and are paid into it somehow. Maybe there should be a different membership price for those who sell let's say under 10 items per year, as opposed to those who sell more. I also don't agree with the way some gold members bump their ads and don't lower the price of their product. If you look at their ad for sale there might be 3 pages of replies and all of them are bumps.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents for now. You all have a good day.

We have a rating system for sellers so you can see how they have been doing here.
Lowering a price is up to the seller, but bumping it just makes it come up front again. (not selling this week for example doesn't mean they should sell it for less)
There IS a yearly fee for commercial selling here called "Vendors fee" but for the average Joe it's free to sell if you are a gold member or not.

Sometimes it just takes time to see who is who, but you can also ask someone with a big post count if you can trust someone you are thinking to purchase from.
The reason why the classifieds aren't only for gold members is because the classifieds bring sight traffic. And site traffic pays the bills.
I deleted the thread from this morning. I posted it as a reminder to members to please follow the rules, nothing more and nothing less. I spent too long this morning cleaning up sale threads with comments that are against the rules. Iwish I had never posted it because of the can of worms it has created. I think we're done here.
another site I am on for another flavor of vehicle only allows you to post forsale items after you've been on the forum for 1year.
Another site I am on, for yet another flavor of vehicle allows you to post for sale items only after your post count hits a target number. 10 or 15 I believe.

I wouldn't agree to lock it to gold members only, you need traffic, plain and simple
Well, anyone can buy parts. Most traffic is buyers. Just have a fee to sell parts.

That's stupid too. people just wouldn't sell here anymore. Craigslist is free and ya don't have to worry about the guys saying I'll take it then back out because in their opinion shipping is too much.

Just follow the ******* rules. If you don't want to buy or sell here then don't. If ya want to buy or sell here then do it. Just stop crying about it. This stupid subject comes up every so many months.
I deleted the thread from this morning. I posted it as a reminder to members to please follow the rules, nothing more and nothing less. I spent too long this morning cleaning up sale threads with comments that are against the rules. Iwish I had never posted it because of the can of worms it has created. I think we're done here.

I don't :D
I think we are still going to have issue's here and there on the subjects.
No offence meant at all Mike, but if there is an ongoing subject that a Mod doesn't agree with we should still be able to have a discussion about it.

Now if you mean it's not open for discussion per Joey's orders to you then that's a different story and it would be a good idea to say so.
That way if a member has an issue that a Mod or can't help them with because of the owner's rules it's not on that Mod to have to be the bad guy.

If it's a hard and fast order then fine, otherwise it's only fair that it be open for discussion.
That's why we have a website suggestions area, right?

If we could come up with something that works AND uses less moderation work that would be nice, right?
That's stupid too. people just wouldn't sell here anymore. Craigslist is free and ya don't have to worry about the guys saying I'll take it then back out because in their opinion shipping is too much.

Just follow the ******* rules. If you don't want to buy or sell here then don't. If ya want to buy or sell here then do it. Just stop crying about it. This stupid subject comes up every so many months.

I don't know what crawled up your *** but your reply just pissed me off and I'm following the f---ing rules. I'm just giving some suggestion. You don't have to be an asshole about it. Maybe everyone should be a member to sell parts here that way everyone has to pay. This isn't f---ing Craigslist or eBay where any riff-raff can sell stuff. There's no need to put me down for suggesting. Why be an ***?
Just call it as I see it man. Now unbunch those panties and put some big boy pants on for god sakes.

Like I said. Classifieds bring in site traffic. Site traffic pays the bills. See how simple that is.

All those stupid *** suggestions have been posted over and over here at various times over the years.

You are right. It's not Craigslist or eBay. Hell Craigslist has been way easier to sell stuff on over the years for me and I'm sure many others.

The board is the board. Ya either like it or ya don't. If ya like it stick around. Ya don't like it then see ya.
I don't have a problem with the site or the board or the mods, so I don't know what you're getting at. I just made a suggestion. If Craigslist is so much better to sell your parts then stay there. I don't see you with a gold membership either. Pull your panties out of your crack. I'm done replying to your idiotic remarks.
I can say that every transaction I've done here has been flawless. I PM the seller/buyer and we go from there like adults. I haven't dealt with any Craigslist bs here. People have been to my house and I have been to thier's. Money changed hands and friendships were made. It would be a shame to mess things up for the few people that can't follow simple requests made by the site.
I don't have a problem with the site or the board or the mods, so I don't know what you're getting at. I just made a suggestion. If Craigslist is so much better to sell your parts then stay there. I don't see you with a gold membership either. Pull your panties out of your crack. I'm done replying to your idiotic remarks.

And you never will see me with a gold membership. I will never pay to be part of a forum. Way too many other sites out there to share info I may have on then to have to pay to do it.

Hope I didn't hurt your overly sensitive feelings.
The whole point here wasn't about buying or selling or any of that other crap.
It was about comments in for sale ads.
Gees, it's not like we trying to discuss racism or politics but it sure seemed to go the same direction.
If the problem is people posting comments in for sale ads... the answer is simple... don't buy it! If a guy wants 2g's for a tail light, god bless him. I signal my disapproval with silence. After he bumps his empty post 20 times he'll get the idea that it's plastic, not gold.
The whole point here wasn't about buying or selling or any of that other crap.
It was about comments in for sale ads.
Gees, it's not like we trying to discuss racism or politics but it sure seemed to go the same direction.
Man this went from conversation to the crapper in just a few posts eh?