Stop in for a cup of coffee

How is the hand doing Karl?
How is the hand doing Karl?
View attachment 1715068819

Range of movement is about 97% there...

I'm able to use it more and more, but some compound moves can hurt... Or if I lift something too heavy... However, the other day I was able to lift a car battery with both hands and it wasn't that painful, just a little...

I keep pushing it to try to get to the next level, but sometimes I push a little to far and it hurts a little and gets stiff for a while... Then I back off and give it some rest and stretch it out.... Then try again as it feels better to keep progress and not stay stagnant...

I'm trying to keep on that fine line of healing and pushing it without crossing over or not using it enough...

And thanks for the visual... :icon_fU:
nope have not heard, but i better get the tow drivers cash together in case he does!!!
went to carlisle 2 years ago was cool to far to go now 2000 + miles
I'd love to go but i always have guard crap that weekend. I may not even get to go to nats this year for the same reason
nope have not heard, but i better get the tow drivers cash together in case he does!!!
went to carlisle 2 years ago was cool to far to go now 2000 + miles
I guaranty if I was not married, I would drive there, no matter the distance.
it's so so here - I can just feeling myself fading - 5hrs sleep just ain't it
Not usually....I get real grumpy if I get less sleep for a few days. I NEED 7 hours. Less, and it builds up, get to be a butt. Ask my wife:(
Not usually....I get real grumpy if I get less sleep for a few days. I NEED 7 hours. Less, and it builds up, get to be a butt. Ask my wife:(
yea - I didn't sleep to well Tuesday night - woke up around 3:30 I think it was, and then pulled the double yesterday. I got home around 11:30 last night and back up at 5 this morning to be here for 7... it's about noon now - - just 3 m-o-r-e h-o-u-r-s...
Come on 330... Today is just dragging and I've actually been really busy. Its my Friday and the weather finally cooled down enough to go and work in the garage, so I want to go home...
so I told you all how I recently got that upgrade to my job title... well, so did the others I work with (there are 7 of us), they all got 1 grade up while I got two - which will technically make me their supervisor when the area supervisor isn't in. Well... it seems the newest member of the crew took a bit of exception to this turn of events and went to the Union about it!! This is the clincher - she wanted to know why the job I got wasn't "put out to bid" (advertised as an open position) :eek:. Ungrateful witch!! She's been here for just about a year, and instead of being happy and appreciative with what she got, she went and "poo-pooed" to the Union -- which of course came back to upper management here - way to single yourself out DUMBASS! :lol: