Stop in for a cup of coffee


Great minds think alike, i just tagged him in it.

Yes, they do....

Per rules, if a post is made that does not pretain to the buyer it is bumping up the for sale thread, so I had to remove it, it is best to let him know threw a pm or tag him here, I don't want the boss seeing me pay favoritisms, so I had to delete it, you do understand I hope
I had to remove it, it will take it off the first couple pages, sorry , it's what I do and my job, nothing personal :thumbsup:

Did you tag him in the sale thread?

Per rules, if a post is made that does not pretain to the buyer it is bumping up the for sale thread, so I had to remove it, it is best to let him know threw a pm or tag him here, I don't want the boss seeing me pay favoritisms, so I had to delete it, you do understand I hope
i gotcha, i didnt know that
Per rules, if a post is made that does not pretain to the buyer it is bumping up the for sale thread, so I had to remove it, it is best to let him know threw a pm or tag him here, I don't want the boss seeing me pay favoritisms, so I had to delete it, you do understand I hope

Did you delete my post in the hard head thread???

The one with Ordinary People meme...

It disappeared...