Stop in for a cup of coffee

I can remember being at a Crue concert - 6 of us together - at one point we had more joints going then people in our bunch... never did find out from who/where.. :realcrazy:
yea - I haven't been to a concert in years, but I have heard that with the no smoking thing - most people are "lighting up" before they go in.. leaving their smokables in the car where they "belong" :D
Well, I am pretty sure they don't 'approve' of tailgating there either. But a bunch of them looked like they had moved in... Especially along the edges of the lot. There were some with canopies, tables, etc
same thing with booze too now right? they check ya pretty close for flasks and bottles and the like.. gone are the days when you had to keep one eye to the "sky" above you because you never knew what might be flying around
They run ya through metal detectors... No shortage of drunks there. They serve alcohol, but at $8 a beer, and some other canned mixed stuff for $10 - I think most of the tipsy ones had there levels up before they walked in the gate. LOL
They run ya through metal detectors... No shortage of drunks there. They serve alcohol, but at $8 a beer, and some other canned mixed stuff for $10 - I think most of the tipsy ones had there levels up before they walked in the gate. LOL
always PRE entry high - - always!
I can remember being at a Crue concert - 6 of us together - at one point we had more joints going then people in our bunch... never did find out from who/where.. :realcrazy:
It is kinda funny how things have changed. In the 80's when it was illegal everywhere. It was a full on cloud in every concert. Now that it's becoming legal, nothin there.
It is kinda funny how things have changed. In the 80's when it was illegal everywhere. It was a full on cloud in every concert. Now that it's becoming legal, nothin there.
I went to a concert in the 80's once with nada - just my bowl and a lighter... got SO high.... LOL
It is kinda funny how things have changed. In the 80's when it was illegal everywhere. It was a full on cloud in every concert. Now that it's becoming legal, nothin there.
it was "accepted" as the one place you could go and get away with it
LOL bringing back memories went and saw Santana in Hilo HI in basically a high school gym, the weed smoke was so thick you could not see the stage, I was in the guard then and everyone that went to the concert was test free for two months, which was most of the unit! He played 4 hours straight had to be the best concert I ever went to.
it's weird to eat a soft shell crab - there is still just a hint of crunch..
I'll try near any food
(maybe not what Mitch had
but the shell thing just doesn't appeal to me. Be like eating a beetle.
Probably if I was with others that were having them I would dig in though.
I'll try near any food
(maybe not what Mitch had View attachment 1715082263),
but the shell thing just doesn't appeal to me. Be like eating a beetle.
Probably if I was with others that were having them I would dig in though. View attachment 1715082264
they were a special at our favorite Chinese place so I tried them - (WTF right?) - I was surprised at how good they were.. I will try them again in a heartbeat if I see them on a menu somewhere
Growing up on Long Island was great for concerts did not miss to many at Madison SG or Nassau Coliseum and CBGB's was freaking awesome in the punk rock days, we also had a summer series in Belmont Park (the horse race stadium) saw some awesome no big name bands there at the time, mostly punk, sex pistols, the A's, Black flag, Poison Dollies, The good rats, twisted sister was also a regular house band at a place called Speaks, used to see them a lot on Saturdays. The Ramones were also around a lot back then.
Always like the J geils band, saw them at a local place called MY FATHERS PLACE in Rocky Point I think it was.
If he is ever in your area go see him, funny as hell, he usually has groupies also that follow him around, makes the show so much better!