NFL football players not honoring our flag



Legendary Member
Dec 7, 2006
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I was just thinking about all the over paid football players not standing to honor our USA flag during the playing of the Anthem.
I think its time they upped their protest, or take it to the next level. Maybe like squatting down in front of a train!
I'm with you Roy. Train tracks could work.

It's really easy to sit...much more effort to get off their Arse and actually do something positive in their (old) communities. I say "old" since most of them now probably live in gated plush subdivisions.

I volunteer my time and effort in the Crossroads Career Network helping unemployed folks in their job searches.

This will probably end up in N&P...
Yeah, and Cris Collinsworth said on TV tonight. "That president Trump should apologize to the players" What, has every body lost their back bone or what!
So I wonder what they could do to earn millions of dollars a year if they weren't playing ball here in the US. Maybe take their skills to some other country and see how that works out. Planes leave the US every day!
Well I'll tell you it pisses me off more than words can express when people don't respect our flag or country, when I see old glory I see a picture of the ones who fought and the ones who died while fighting so we could be free and have the liberties we have today, and when they don't respect our flag and nation then leave , heck I'll pay there ticket to leave . I guarantee that if they had been in a fox hole starving or storming up a beach or being ambushed in the jungle or searching for roadside bombs set by cowards they would see it differently! I thank god for our country our troops and our flag and what it stands for! God bless america!
I quit watching. And its a damn shame since we just got Direct and it came with a free year of Sunday Ticket. Only college and high school ball for me from now on. Steelers shirt has been turned into a greasy work on the car shirt.
The whole Raider team sat on their *** tonight while it was played!

Stop watching it Roy! They do not deserve your great American Spirit! Have you seen the stands getting emptier? I think the country is speaking!
Just totally un-American ....I guess our citizens are not American any more....nothing else is !
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As the years approach quickly,if I could not stand I may take a knee but my hat would be off and my hand would be on my heart !!!
No excuse for an athlete in the prime of their life.
no NFL or Hollywood movies for me. I served my country for 14 months in Vietnam in US Army Infantry and have no use for these scumbags and will not support them in any way
I will for ever be grateful and our for ALL past, present and future Men and Women that served our military and fought to guarantee my freedom.
It is easy to make a high profile protest like they are doing because it doesn't cost them a dime. Now if they were to refuse to play or quit, I could at least appreciate their dedication to their cause!
I'd love to see a team owner with enough scrote to fire the SOBs. Not that I watched that much NFL before, but I am done now. Let those bastard leave and find another country that will put up with their crap.
I quit watching. And its a damn shame since we just got Direct and it came with a free year of Sunday Ticket. Only college and high school ball for me from now on. Steelers shirt has been turned into a greasy work on the car shirt.

It is in high school football, and here is the kicker, I've seen it in Pee Wee football !!!!
Yeah, and Cris Collinsworth said on TV tonight. "That president Trump should apologize to the players" What, has every body lost their back bone or what!
It's all about protecting, his high end paying job ...
So I wonder what they could do to earn millions of dollars a year if they weren't playing ball here in the US. Maybe take their skills to some other country and see how that works out. Planes leave the US every day!
yeah, they should go play for Russia or no. korea, or iran, or some muslim country, and see how much money they`d make. I wish someone on national television would ask me about it, I`d tell them what about 80% of America thinks of it/them! But , on the other hand Trump should learn to shut his dam mouth a lot, and even shouldn`t have called them sobs. He aint helping his cause at all by trying to be such a dam bigshot. I DIDN`T LIKE THE GUY AS A PERSON BEFORE, BUT AGREE W/ ALMOST ALL OF HIS POLICIES, BUT HE`S DAM SURE BETTER THAN CROOKED HILLARY ROD`EM/ RODEM CLINTON. excuse the caps, I can`t type worth a ---- !
Everyone is entitled to be stupid. The NFL is just endorsing it...for now.

Once it hits the teams and league in the pocketbook, it will be a new tune.

Don't like it? Don't watch the games or buy their merchandise. Vote with your money, it's the only thing that will get their attention.

It's a business at the end of the day, not a civil liberties charity. They aren't in the business to sacrifice their bottom line over some political protest.
yeah, they should go play for Russia or no. korea, or iran, or some muslim country, and see how much money they`d make. I wish someone on national television would ask me about it, I`d tell them what about 80% of America thinks of it/them! But , on the other hand Trump should learn to shut his dam mouth a lot, and even shouldn`t have called them sobs. He aint helping his cause at all by trying to be such a dam bigshot. I DIDN`T LIKE THE GUY AS A PERSON BEFORE, BUT AGREE W/ ALMOST ALL OF HIS POLICIES, BUT HE`S DAM SURE BETTER THAN CROOKED HILLARY ROD`EM/ RODEM CLINTON. excuse the caps, I can`t type worth a ---- !

His method is poor, but at least he a'int afraid to say it!
Trumps is poor but straight out!
I can appreciate our president having enough back bone and speaking his mind and conviction and not taking the easy way out like so many spineless jelly fish others have taken.
I'd love to see a team owner with enough scrote to fire the SOBs. Not that I watched that much NFL before, but I am done now. Let those bastard leave and find another country that will put up with their crap.
I just don't understand it. So they are protesting for social justice but don't doing anything to fix the issue. Instead of protesting why the hell don't the NFL and all these multi million dollar privileged players put there money where they mouth is. By providing community outreach and buying inner-city police stations the cameras needed to ensure they remain on the honest side of the law. As a active duty Soldier for the last 18yrs I'm disappointed in the NFL. I feel like patriotism is gone in America. Don't worry if duty calls in the middle of the night when these punks are sleeping in there comfy beds you can count on your Soldiers. We won't take a knee to any threat to our nation. Regardless of how these whining uneducated players feel. Bunch of crybabies.
It's really simple, vote with your checkbook and your remote. I'm done with the NFu*cingL. Oh yeah, and no more ESPMS either!!!
You got it right concerning TV and newspaper sports writers suppporting the players right to speak thier mind,, the TV and newspaper sports writers need to protect thier cash cow. I am all about recognizing and protecting what America has done for me. I am done with the NFL and I stand for the National Anthem.