anybody know


famous bob

mopar misfit
Aug 14, 2011
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anybody know what the rear window regulators weigh in a 68 barracuda fastback ?
Every time I hear the word weight. It reminds me of a joke I heard and still use it today.

This guy was at the garage and we were trying to fix a car. We were pulling are hair out trying to fix it. I was in one of those moods and was concentrating on the fix. He himself doesn't know a dam thing about cars.

every couple of minutes he would blurt out. "Did you check the Henway?'. "It could be the Henway". "Maybe the Henway is stuck". " I'm telling you its probably the Henway"

I turned to him red in the face and said " What the **** is a Henway" He looked at me calmly and said "About 3-4 lbs" It took a couple of mins and then I just started laughing hysterically on my knees.

Those are the memories of things that burn into you brain and you start laughing when no one is saying a word. People think your on Acid when your laughing hysterically at nothing in a room of serious people

The word Weight is the trigger. It starts with a smile and then I lose it.