@trailbeast 5help 5me 5out 5here



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
@TrailBeast why 5on 5earth 5would 5my 5laptop 5start5 typing 5like 5this? 5a 55 5every 5spacebar 5hit 5and 5an 5astric 5with 5the 5backspace. 5arrow 5buttons 5also 5malfunctioning. 5keyboard 5bad? 5virus? 5I 5mean 5really. 5WTF??? 5 5 5LOL
@TrailBeast why 5on 5earth 5would 5my 5laptop 5start5 typing 5like 5this? 5a 55 5every 5spacebar 5hit 5and 5an 5astric 5with 5the 5backspace. 5arrow 5buttons 5also 5malfunctioning. 5keyboard 5bad? 5virus? 5I 5mean 5really. 5WTF??? 5 5 5LOL

5So 5whats 5so 5odd 5about 5that?

It might have switched keyboard layout, so give me a sec and I'll check into that for you.

Looks like the 5 button is stuck

It would just type a string of 5's because of the repeat function.

Hold space bar, enter, and backspace for 5 seconds and see if it straightens up.

Nope,5 that 5didn't 5do 5it. 5lol 5and5 get 5this. 5when 5I 5use 5backspace, 5it 5REPLACES 5the 55 5with5 an5 astric 5LMMFAO
Oh 5and 5I'm5 sorry........it's 5windows 58.1 5FUCK 5not 558.1 5 5 5EIGHT POINT ONE 5LMMFAO
I dumped a coffee on my laptop and while cleaning it i somehow turned my screen sideways. It was hard to google it to figure out what i did...
Nope,5 that 5didn't 5do 5it. 5lol 5and5 get 5this. 5when 5I 5use 5backspace, 5it 5REPLACES 5the 55 5with5 an5 astric 5LMMFAO

All three at the same time for 5 seconds?
Give a sec for a second suggestion.

Go to "device manager" in win10 you can type it into the black search bar on your taskbar.
Click on “Device Manager” from that list.

Look down the list of devices for the "Keyboards", right click on it and then select “Uninstall”. On the un-installation window, if you have an option: “Delete the driver software for this device” you may select that and then remove the corrupted drivers from the computer.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete it and then restart the computer by holding down the on/off button for 5 seconds.
Once off, turn it back on again and it should reinstall the keyboard.
Press the "fn" and "num lock" at the same time. you may have accidentally pressed those two by accident. hope this helps
tried 5all 5the 5suggestions 5so 5far. 5nothing 5has5 worked.5 lol 5I 5am 5honestly 5"about 5due" 5for 5a 5new 5laptop.....although 5I have 5used 5this 5one 5MAYBE 5three 5out 5of5 the 56 5or 575 years 5I 5have 5had 5it 5so 5it's 5kinda 5a 5waste. 5PLus 5I 5spent 5a 5lot 5on 5Kitty 5this 5Christmas 5so 5I may 5have 5to 5make 5do. 5lol
All three at the same time for 5 seconds?
Give a sec for a second suggestion.

Go to "device manager" in win10 you can type it into the black search bar on your taskbar.
Click on “Device Manager” from that list.

Look down the list of devices for the "Keyboards", right click on it and then select “Uninstall”. On the un-installation window, if you have an option: “Delete the driver software for this device” you may select that and then remove the corrupted drivers from the computer.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete it and then restart the computer by holding down the on/off button for 5 seconds.
Once off, turn it back on again and it should reinstall the keyboard.

.I 5did 5all 55this 5and 5thought5 for 5sure 5it 5was 5gonna 5work......as 5you 55can 5see........lol
tried 5all 5the 5suggestions 5so 5far. 5nothing 5has5 worked.5 lol 5I 5am 5honestly 5"about 5due" 5for 5a 5new 5laptop.....although 5I have 5used 5this 5one 5MAYBE 5three 5out 5of5 the 56 5or 575 years 5I 5have 5had 5it 5so 5it's 5kinda 5a 5waste. 5PLus 5I 5spent 5a 5lot 5on 5Kitty 5this 5Christmas 5so 5I may 5have 5to 5make 5do. 5lol
Turn off the number lock if it isn’t already off. Then restart the computer.
.I 5did 5all 55this 5and 5thought5 for 5sure 5it 5was 5gonna 5work......as 5you 55can 5see........lol

Then it does sound like you wet sneezed on the keyboard.
A USB keyboard would answer the question if the keyboard went bad.
You can get them really cheap these days.
The number is appearing after the space bar is pressed. They are linked.