Car Transport Recommendations?



Damn those rabbits, and their holes!
FABO Gold Member
Aug 14, 2016
Reaction score
SW Washington
I'm looking at buying a car that's halfway across the country. Can folks chime in with any company you used, and if you were pleased with their price and service?
The best service would be from outfits like Passport, Reliable, Intercity or Horseless Carriage. I hauled cars for three years in the US and Canada.)

Or you can take a chance with

Furniture haulers can also transport cars...

Google is your friend.
Whatever you choose DO NOT use a company called “Curves Ahead” out of St. Louis.

They shipped my GTS and besides it being a dirty greasy mess when they delivered it in their ratty enclosed trailer, it was a week late and they broke the radio antenna and scuffed up the tail stripe by loading it improperly. They also killed the battery taking it on and off the truck a dozen times as they shuffled it around while picking up and delivering other cars along the way.

Then they tried to put all the blame on the driver denying all company responsibility.
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Watch searches on the internet.You'llhave 100 brokers bugging you like a school girl after you kissed her on Friday night
I'm looking at buying a car that's halfway across the country. Can folks chime in with any company you used, and if you were pleased with their price and service?
Have shipped cars numerous times I use Pass Port or Pilot both where very good. Reliable seems to do a lot of Corp. and high end manufactures stuff and uses the individuals cars as fill in. With them your car could make it back part way and then be in storage or transferred to another trailer. If something where to happen the finger pointing starts. With Pass Port and Pilot the cars stay on the same trailer with the same driver. Just my .02.
I'm looking at buying a car that's halfway across the country. Can folks chime in with any company you used, and if you were pleased with their price and service?
AAA logistic's
Price was fair, very professional, no bullshit.
Most of these brokers use one truck owner operators for these moves... Nothing wrong with that but they are beholden to no one.

If theres a claim they usually try to weasel out if paying because they have a high deductible that they pay first.

I ran almost exclusively for my brother and his business partners who owned four vintage car dealers and resto shops. Big money cars.

I had one claim on a one off custom bodied 60's Mercedes 280 roadster. Even though I had before and after photos showing the damage before I loaded the car I paid the claim simply to keep my customer happy. He was a $100,000 per year account and he knew it.

If it were me I'd go get the car myself if it's worth any kind of money. Drive it home if you must.
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perfect timing for this thread.
I just made a purchase on the west coast and need to ship to MI.
So far Roadrunner auto Transport is the lowest, with Montway a close second. United Routes was alitte more but he sounded good.

Anyone have any experience with any of these?
I deal with MONTWAY all the time ... talk to this guy ...

Senior Logistics Coordinator

Montway Auto Transport

Phone: 224.300.5434
perfect timing for this thread.
I just made a purchase on the west coast and need to ship to MI.
So far Roadrunner auto Transport is the lowest, with Montway a close second. United Routes was a little more but he sounded good.

Anyone have any experience with any of these?
Be aware that those are all just brokers, not actual 'carriers' (companies that actually operate trucks). They have to negotiate and contract with a carrier to do the actual hauling. Going with the lowest price may put you in a situation where many of the carriers turn down your job due to low pay and your car can sit.... or you can get the worst driver... etc. There ARE some carrier/broker companies that have their own trucks, but most of what you find are brokers.

If you want to know if a company is a broker or a carrier, get their DOT number and go to the following site and enter it in the search field. The next page that pops ought to say if the company is a broker or carrier.
Safety Measurement System

Where is this car? If in a bigger city, then the odds of getting a quick pickup are much better.

Who will help load this for you, and is their schedule flexible? And can you be available on a flexible schedule to receive it? If a direct pickup and drop off, you're going to get a time 'window' for both ends, and either or both may not occur on the time originally scheduled.

Is this a pricey car?

Don't ever give them any money, 'til you have a carrier assigned and a pickup date confirmed. If they want money up front, go elsewhere. Make sure they document the payment process before you commit to them!

At least Montway has been around a while. Hope it all goes well !
I had Montway transport my Dart from California to New York top loaded and enclosed it seven days and the driver kept in contact with me through out.
Was very pleased with this company.
Many thanks to all who provided feedback. Sadly, I can't make this deal pencil out so I'm out of this market for a while. But I ratholed all this info in case I need it in the future. As always, thanks FABO for the backup!
Best option - Do it yourself.

The most recent car I bought required a round trip of over 7000 miles.

It was an epic trip & I love the car, a 1970 four door.
I used a broker local to me last year when I transported my 69 cuda from California to Kansas. As said above, all they do is post it to a board where truckers can take the job if they want it. I used an open trailer since a it was half the cost or less than an enclosed trailer. My car was nice, but driver quality, so I didn’t think I needed to spend the extra money. It worked out fine. Keep in mind that these guys transport cars every day for a living. Not that I am saying bad things can’t happen, but there is still risk in you driving it home from across the country. That is what insurance is for.
To the op, sorry to here your deal fell thru but thanks for posting. I learned a few thing about auto transport.
Thanks to everyone that commented. I am now seriously considering going to get it myself.