Stop in for a cup of coffee

I'm beat... and still got half a shift to go.
Cleaned my car out this morning. Got my mowing done early. Still had time, so ran tiller in the garden for a while. Got to work and had to clean outside around the compactors. Come on 11 o'clock!
Seems as tho you're a hard workin man , Keefer......:thumbsup:
My long week is finally over and now I can relax. Of course, now I am coming down with a sinus bug that is making me feel lousy.

I did manage to finish one image this evening though...

I have the house to myself this evening, just me and the dog. My daughter is at the Jr. High formal dance and my wife is out shopping.

My stone guy came by this evening and is ready to order materials for the new walkways and patios. I gave him the deposit and he is ready to start in next week or so (weather permitting) once the materials come in.

I really like this guy, old school first generation Italian stone mason who has been is business around here for 30+ years and takes tremendous pride in doing things right. I have seen his work and it is excellent.

He wouldn’t take my deposit money until he was ready to schedule the work even though I offered it to him several weeks ago. His personal pride in how he does business just wouldn’t let him.

He also cut me a 15% discount off his already very fair pricing without my asking just because he likes they way I have been doing business with him. Italian pride and respect is at the core of his being and it shows!
Just looked up the Police wheels. People are asking crazy money for them. 2x what I paid for everything!!
Oh yeah and people are getting what they’re asking too. For the most part.
Morning, in Omaha, little rain over night. See what the day brings. Need to find some coffee, this keueig stuff sucks.
Morning, in Omaha, little rain over night. See what the day brings. Need to find some coffee, this keueig stuff sucks.
Same with tassimo.
Wife threw out the old coffee maker so thats all we have.
Sometimes i miss instant coffee.
Busy here today, community clean up, a garage sale I hit every year, have gotten some cool finds there, civil war buttons, stamps, tools etc. Never know what they have then the Greek festival in the burg. Hope the firechicken gets stolen there!