Stop in for a cup of coffee

whatever factory is? Google search is all over the place

because I have an idea and I wanna compare lol

I was going to jack up the black truck and replace the starter. I might wait. I don't know how easy I can get off the creeper. I still have a couple weeks of 10# weight limit. I really don't want to tear something loose.
Be smart guy, you are in the most dangerous phase of recovery. You are starting to feel good and think you can go right back to life as was. You do damage now (easily done) and it will really set you back. Be patient Bossman and listen to your Doctors!
I was going to jack up the black truck and replace the starter. I might wait. I don't know how easy I can get off the creeper. I still have a couple weeks of 10# weight limit. I really don't want to tear something loose.
take it easy mike, I learned the hardway about over doing it with my knee, tore my incision open 8 weeks post surgery. Your surgery is much more life threatening
I was going to jack up the black truck and replace the starter. I might wait. I don't know how easy I can get off the creeper. I still have a couple weeks of 10# weight limit. I really don't want to tear something loose.
They give that limit for normal people doing basic functions to get through their day. Like pulling several items of cloths on hangers out. Or getting a roast out of the freezer. Not for knuckleheads trying to fix their car. lol
You might only lift a 2lb part, but how much force will you exert positioning it? Or much worse - removing and tightening the bolts? For reference a six pack of cans is 5lb and bottles 9lb.
They give that limit for normal people doing basic functions to get through their day. Like pulling several items of cloths on hangers out. Or getting a roast out of the freezer. Not for knuckleheads trying to fix their car. lol
You might only lift a 2lb part, but how much force will you exert positioning it? Or much worse - removing and tightening the bolts? For reference a six pack of cans is 5lb and bottles 9lb.
Se Mike you defiantly need a kegerator!
Take it from me Mike...DON'T DO IT!!!
I had a knee operated on last year. After a week I was feeling good and guess what I messed it up and now it needs to be redone.
Probably be at work for a long day today (11hrs) But not all work... We have 'Food truck day" for 3 hours starting at noon till 3PM. Last year they had 5 trucks including Mission BBQ, Subs, Smoothies.... They are supposed to be different ones this year. My insider info tells me one is a Crab truck. I assume crab cakes? Hopefully our 'chance of storms' don't amount to much rain. They do have a big tnt set up. But you still have to walk back and forth to get food. Plus last year Mission BBQ set theirs up as a catering line to get people fed quicker. If they had to serve everyone through a truck window it would be near over till everyone got food.
The 3 hrs is on the clock, but several presses are running till 11, and its my option to stay on OT. I am working my full shift tomorrow. Need to get the OT when I can, cause I will likely have a full 3 days off Labor day weekend and mid sept we have the wifes fam reunion one Sat.